James Wathern was a sickly old man; after years of fighting off a myriad of diseases, he was taken to a hospital, and the doctors and nurses were growing quite concerned at his inability to heal.
He was losing 15 pounds a week and refused to eat anything, and the doctors began to realize that this man seemed to be spiraling into a deep depression. They then realized that the 73-year-old man was distraught over the loss of his best friend named Bubba.
So the doctors and nurses did everything in their power to have the hospital lift their ban on all pets so James could have a special hospital room visitor. When they set Bubba the Chihuahua on James' bed, he immediately perked up and seemed to be his old self again.
James' dying wish was fulfilled by a group of people who only wanted the best for their patient. Though his best friend couldn't heal his disease, little Bubba instantly beat the horrible depression that was making James' life miserable.
This video shows that dogs are meant to be by our side no matter what. The healing power of these furry friends of ours is a very real thing that doctors have known about for years and years now. The calming and soothing nature that a wet nose or a friendly kiss can give someone with health problems can very well be the difference between life and death.
Since James and Bubba's story "went viral," the hospital has decided to investigate their "no-pets" policy. Though James may no longer be with us, his spirit will live on in the hospital and the millions of people who were touched by this heartwarming video.
Please SHARE this beautiful video if you think animals have the power to heal your soul!
Up date on James and Bubba. As you can see Bubba got to spend some time with his best friend and Daddy Jsmes. Both are so happy to see each other and both seem to be doing better! The power of love can go along way!!!!!! Thanks to everyone at Baptist Hospital for letting KWAS bring Bubba a leave him witb James for a while! The staff at Baptist has been so supportive for this reunion!
Posted by Knox-Whitley Animal Shelter on Tuesday, October 14, 2014