Grieving Woman Gets Surgical Makeover To Help Her Find Confidence Again

Everyone, at some time or another, finds themselves at a crossroads in their life.

Whether it's in your 20s, 40s, or 60s, it can feel just the same.

You might feel lost, broken, or simply not yourself. And in those times, it's so important not to let yourself sink into a depression. But sometimes it's unavoidable.

If that happens, you have to lean on your loved ones and find the courage in yourself to be better.

Although it's never easy, it's always worth it.

Dore Weber was coming to that crossroads in her life after struggling with a miscarriage while entering her 40s.

She stopped taking care of herself and was utterly devastated. She had always dreamed of getting married and starting a family, but when the second part of that equation couldn't happen for her, she didn't know how to cope.

Thankfully, The Swan, a popular TV show at the time, assembled a team of surgeons, therapists, trainers, nutritionists, and more to help Dore feel OK again.

They gave her confidence, guidance, and, in a way, a new start in life. Although everyone doesn't need all of this to feel better, it's beautiful that she was able to be a part of it and feel good again.

Everyone needs some help getting there sometimes, it's up to you to decide where or how to get it.

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