16 Little Things You Can Do To Live A Healthier Life

Anyone who's ever tried to make a lifestyle change for the better knows that it's hard to break old habits… especially when you have a lot that need to be broken. Making the effort to lose weight or just make healthier choices is extra tough when you're so accustomed to letting yourself have unlimited donuts or hang out on the couch instead of hitting the gym. It's no wonder so many people fall back into their old ways when they try to make drastic diet and exercise commitments. If you really want to get healthy for good this time, the little changes are going to be the ones that help you reach your goal.

When trying to treat your body like a temple instead of a dumpster, you should always think about your diet first. After all, what you eat doesn't just affect your weight; there are some foods that can even prevent you from getting a good night's sleep! Once you make slow, manageable changes to what you put in your body, it's time to think of other ways you can give it all the love it deserves. Even if you work in an office all day, these handy tips can help you get on your feet and reduce all the damage that sitting does to your body! There are so many ways you can treat your body well, and there's truly no excuse not to take small steps to being healthier.

If you want to be healthier but aren't sure where to begin, you can start by taking these easy steps toward a better lifestyle. They might seem hard at first, but once you get in the habit of doing them every day, you'll wonder why you didn't start years ago!

Make sure you SHARE these easy health tips with everyone you know!

1. Drink more water.


Your body is mostly water, so if you don't stay hydrated, you're doing yourself more damage than you might imagine. Drinking water helps you keep illnesses away, manage your weight, look younger, have more energy, and generally be a healthier human being. If you're thirsty, you're already dehydrated, so make sure you're sipping away even when you don't feel like you need to. Keep a bottle of water at your desk and take little sips every few minutes to maintain your hydration.

2. Eat less sugar.


So many people think that fat will make you fat, but in reality, sugar is the real enemy. Our bodies need small amounts of sugar to stay energized and happy, but the average American diet contains way too much sugar. To give you an idea of just how much we're overdoing it, men should eat a maximum of 37.5 grams of sugar a day, whereas for women, 25 grams is the daily limit. A single can of cola contains about 44 grams, putting you well over your daily limit before you even eat anything else. While cutting sugar out completely just isn't realistic, decreasing the amount of added sugar in your diet can help you have more energy, lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease, decrease your risk of cancer and other illnesses, and manage your weight. Be on the lookout for high sugar content in processed foods, and cook more at home so you know exactly how much of the white stuff is going into your body.

3. Sit less.

Young pretty business woman standing up using computer in the office

Health experts are calling sitting the new smoking. Most of us sit for over seven hours a day, and those of us who work in an office or behind a computer might be sitting for double that time. Excessive sitting can increase our risk of numerous diseases, including diabetes, cancer, and heart problems. Standing more, on the other hand, can burn more calories, tone muscles, increase metabolism, and improve blood flow. Going to the gym doesn't negate the negative effects of sitting, either. There are a number of ways you can combat "sitting disease," such as standing up and stretching on a regular basis or getting a standing desk, but really, anything you do that keeps you from sitting your life away will help improve your health.

4. Swap out fruit juice for real fruit.


Fruit juice is certainly better for you than soda or synthetic energy drinks, but its high-sugar and low-fiber properties make it a less-than-desirable way to get the benefits that come from fruit. Eating the real deal ensures that you're getting lots of nutrients, more gut-healthy fiber, and a fuller tummy. If you absolutely must have your fruit in liquid form, look for juices that have no added sugar or have vegetable juice mixed in. Or better yet, make your own juice at home (again, without extra sugar) and leave the pulp in for an extra boost of fiber.

5. Cut out soda entirely.


You've probably been told a few thousand times that you should stop drinking soda, but let me say it again: Stop. Drinking. Soda. It's basically liquid candy (and we already know how bad sugar is for you) and has no nutritional benefits whatsoever. Switching to diet soda isn't the solution, either. Artificial sweeteners are believed to contribute to cancer, and because they make your brain believe you're eating sugar even though you're not, they can increase sugar cravings and make your insulin spike. Try to at least decrease your soda pop consumption, but if you cut it out entirely, you'll be surprised at how disgusting it tastes once you try it again.

6. Get outside more.


Feeling bummed out or depressed lately? The cause could be a lack of vitamin D. This vitamin is good for your bones and your mood, but many of us are deficient in it. You could take a supplement, but a more natural way to get a boost is by going outside. Sunlight stimulates vitamin D production in our bodies, which is why you probably feel great after a summer picnic and not so great during the gray winter months. Plus, going outside is a great excuse to stretch your legs and breathe some fresh air!

7. But always use sunscreen.


The American Cancer Society says that there are around 3 million new cases of skin cancer in the U.S. every year, and that most of those cases could have been prevented by using sunscreen and avoiding tanning beds. Blocking harmful UV rays is crucial to preventing potentially deadly skin cancer, and even when it's cloudy outside, those rays can still do damage to your body. Your best bet for preventing skin cancer and premature signs of aging is to slather on sunblock before you leave the house every day.

8. Don't use your phone or tablet in bed.


That bright screen that leaves you half blind when you check the time in the middle of the night might really be messing up your sleep schedule. Once it's dark, light from screens can suppress melatonin levels, which can affect your ability to fall asleep and stay asleep. And lack of sleep, like many other issues, can lead to cardiovascular disease, obesity, and even cancer. Keep the phone away from your face at least half an hour before bed, and if you have to read something before you sleep, make it a real book rather than an e-reader.

9. Do something social every day.


Your social health is a big part of your mental health. Even if you're an introvert, making sure you do something social once a day can help keep away mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety. You don't have to go to a noisy bar, but just talking to a sibling on the phone or grabbing lunch with a friend can be a welcome interruption to an otherwise boring day.

10. Don't over-clean.


Cleanliness is next to godliness, but it's also next to lowered immunity. No one is suggesting you become a disgusting slob, but over-cleaning can end up leaving your immune system unprepared for all the bacteria that are just waiting to attack your body. Additionally, doing things such as washing your hands too much or constantly spraying down countertops can create "superbugs" that are resistant to even the toughest cleaners. Unless you already have a compromised immune system, or someone else who lives with you is sick, don't be afraid to let things get a little dirty.

11. Get regular check-ups.


Preventative health care is crucial if you want to stay disease-free. Most of us only go to the doctor when we think something is wrong, but going once a year even when everything seems fine can help make sure your health is where it needs to be. We take our cars in for yearly inspections, so why shouldn't we give our own bodies the same love? It's both cheaper and better for you if a problem becomes diagnosed before it lands you in the emergency room, after all.

12. Follow the '1-1-1 Rule' for daily activities.


That is, one activity that earns you money, one activity that keeps your mind active, and one activity that keeps your body active. So maybe you go to work, then hit the gym for a kickboxing class, then get home and read a chapter of a good book. The healthiest life is a balanced one, and following the 1-1-1 rule ensures that your bank account, your body, and your mind are all in great shape without being overworked.

13. Sneak veggies into everything you can.


Your mom was right — you do need to eat your veggies! They're high in fiber, packed with nutrients, and low in calories. Unfortunately, many of us aren't getting the recommended five servings we should be every day. Whether you love vegetables or hate them, you can sneak them into unlikely foods to make sure you're getting the amount you should. Leafy greens such as spinach or kale are virtually tasteless when blended into smoothies, and recipes for zucchini bread or muffins allow you to have your cake and eat your vegetables, too. There are a ton of ways to incorporate vegetables into your favorite meals and snacks if you're willing to put forth the effort.

14. Prepare meals ahead of time.


Not only is cooking at home a great way to make sure you're controlling exactly what goes into your body (looking at you, added sugars), but it's also perfect for preventing impulse eating and making sure your portions are just as they should be. When you package your own meals before work, you're ensuring that you don't hit up the local fast-food joint and eat three double cheeseburgers just because you were starving by the time lunch rolls around. Instead, you can eat a hearty grilled chicken salad with some fruit on the side that you put together at home. You'll still end up full, your body will be more nourished, and your waistline will thank you. Plus, cooking is much easier on your wallet than eating out all the time!

15. Relax.


I know, I know — easier said than done, right? But if you don't figure out how to relax, you could end up with a whole bunch of health problems, including cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure. Your body needs to relax, and if you don't let it, you're setting yourself up for premature death. Download a meditation app on your mobile device, or treat yourself to a spa day every once in a while. If at all possible, don't bring your work home with you, and surround yourself with people who make you happy instead of miserable. Learning how to relax can (ironically) be hard work, but if you can manage it, your body will thank you in the long run.

16. Don't try to be perfect.

Close-up of a young woman eating chocolate

Look, in the end, none of us are getting out of life alive anyway. And while there are plenty of things we can do to help prevent ourselves from dying earlier than we need to, life is also too short to deprive yourself of the things that make you happy. Enjoy your favorite foods in moderation. Heck, if you want, eat a whole pizza by yourself every once in a (great) while. Spend a whole Saturday doing nothing but lying in bed watching movies just because you can. Being healthy is only worth it if you're enjoying all the extra years you're working toward, so make sure you take advantage of it!

Make sure you SHARE these important health tips with everyone you know!