What Your Egg Style Says About Your Personality

Regardless if you prefer poached, scrambled, or fried, judging someone based on how they like their eggs seems pretty hardboiled — but it’s not!

Much like how your sleep position or blood type can reveal interesting things about your personality, so can your favorite egg style.

In fact, it even has scientific backing. A study was commissioned by the British Egg Industry Council and carried out by Mindlab International in which scientists surveyed 1,010 adults on their preferred egg style. The results yielded some very interesting patterns in terms of their personality, lifestyle, and family.

I know, at first I cracked up when I read this study, but when I looked up my egg predilection, it was eerily true. I do like my eggs that way and I am like that.

What they discovered was pretty fascinating, the study even unveils that one certain style has a strong correlation to sex drive!

Check your favorite egg style below and let us know what you think in the comments!


ThnkStock / Vladislav Nosick

According to the study, poached egg eaters are outgoing, listen to upbeat music, and on average are more likely to be happier than most.

But they also have a mysterious and elusive soul. This combination makes them magnetic, and they're often the person everyone wants to be seen with.

They may also seem suited for a more sophisticated or even high-class lifestyle, but they do tend to gravitate towards things that are more down-to-earth. They may not look like it, but you’d choose a cabin over a castle any day.


ThnkStock / bhofack2

The study found that if you prefer hardboiled egg, you're impulsive and a little disorganized, yet you have a healthy sense of self and typically don’t care what others think of you.

You are also very athletic and care a lot about your health, which drives your friends crazy because you’re in relatively good shape. Try relaxing a little bit, it’ll do you a lot of good in the long run.


ThnkStock / peredniankina

Omelet eaters are self-disciplined and most likely have a very tidy home.

They are typically the mother/father figure among their family and friends, and are great at organizing gatherings.

Although they seem very together, however, they also crave variety and are never satisfied with just one of anything. This impulse, mixed with their self-restraint, can sometimes create issues in romantic relationships.

Sunny Side-Up

ThnkStock / snyferok

You have an old soul — and a wild side!

Your sunny demeanor allows you to make friends with just about anyone, and you do tend to get yourself into quite a few romantic entanglements.

You’d like to travel the world, but instead end up reading books on a local beach, lake, or park, and live tall tales in your head instead of actually experiencing them.


ThnkStock / margouillatphotos

You are graceful and classically beautiful, and when most look at you, they feel like you were meant to live in a past era.

You are true to yourself and will never change for anyone.

The energy you give off is very charming, and from this charm derives power. Yet try to use this power for good. You have a tendency to be strict – on yourself and others – but try hard not to verbalize your distaste in choices those you care about make, especially if you think it may hurt their feelings.


ThnkStock / Edith64

Scrambled egg aficionados are guarded, according to the study. Yet, though they like their eggs a little chaotic, their life is very much together.

Those who tend to eat scrambled eggs have managerial or senior-level jobs and usually own their own home.

They're also loyal friends to the end! They may be conservative, but are always friendly and inclusive of others.


ThnkStock / Yevheniya Voyevoda

Regardless if you like them over easy, medium, or hard, all fried egg fans have a high sex drive, according to the study.

They also tend to be hard workers, but are elegant at whatever they do. This is why fried egg lovers have jobs that require a specific skill and are typically accomplished welders, bartenders, plumbers, auto mechanics, cooks, butchers, and even tattoo artists.

Fried egg enthusiasts also take some time to warm up to. At first they may not seem approachable, but as soon as someone gets to know them, they’re hooked.