She Posted An Embarrassing Photo Online. When Ellen Shows Her Mom, I Almost Died Laughing!

Facebook is basically the online equivalent of Las Vegas — what happens on Facebook, stays on Facebook.

If there's something embarrassing floating around out there on the internet, people might forget after a few days, but the internet rarely forgives. Chances are good that your photo or information could end up in the wrong hands, like what happened to these unsuspecting posters.

When it comes to posting online, I like to keep this rule of thumb: If I'm having any doubts that it will embarrass me, be interpreted the wrong way, or be seen by the wrong person, I don't post it! Besides having a potential employer snoop through my Facebook page, like what happens in this hysterical/scary job interview prank, I'm not interested in having my great aunt across the country ask me a million questions every time I share a status!

One person who can't resist a good pranking opportunity is Ellen DeGeneres, so you can imagine the fear of her audience members when she called several of them out after finding questionable photos on their Facebook pages. She starts out pretty harmless, but by the end I don't think anyone could have predicted just how embarrassing it would get. I'm sure the last girl to get pranked will be going through her old posts and deleting the evidence after this aired!

If this cracked you up — or if you just want to remind your friends to watch what they post online, please SHARE this video on Facebook!