Becoming a teacher is just about one of the most noble things anyone could possibly do, though not everyone is up to the challenge.
Educating future generations is absolutely crucial, but possibly even more important is for children to have good role models to look up to. I know I can name a few teachers that I've looked up to as amazing people who helped me become the person that I am today — and I bet you can, too.
Dealing with a classroom of energetic and rowdy kids, no matter what age, could turn into an inevitable disaster. I don't think that any teacher can honestly say they've had a picture-perfect school year – it's virtually impossible! The job is tiring and draining, and sometimes the best teachers still make a misstep now and again.
These 13 stories about embarrassing teacher moments are sure to make you laugh. If you're a teacher, or if you have a loved one who is a teacher, I'm sure you'll understand!
Please SHARE these funny stories with your family and friends on Facebook!
[H/T: Reddit]
Thumbnail sources: Wikimedia1, 2

"I'm a PE teacher at an elementary school. We were in the middle of a gymnastics unit and I was demonstrating a forward roll for a 3rd grade class. When I flipped, I saw something pink fly out of my pants leg…
"It was a pair of my daughter's underwear that must have clung to the inside of my pants when I got them out of the dryer. I picked them up before any of them really noticed exactly what they were." – Bjw2nf

"I was showing a class of 8th graders how to make something out of clay and as I was demonstrating I said, 'Now slap your balls back and forth in your hands.'
"I mean, I taught middle-schoolers so my embarrassment never lasts, but lordy, did that turn my face red." – belindatookus

"I'm currently a teacher, but my favorite embarrassing teacher story originates with my cousin, who taught middle school. She had recently had a baby and was breastfeeding, so she pumped at school on her breaks.
"One day during her planning period, she shut her classroom door and covered the window so she could pump. While she had one of her boobs flopped out of her shirt she felt the urge to fart, so she just let one rip.
"That's when she heard a muffled sound from the back of the classroom. She had completely forgotten about one of her male students staying in the room through recess to finish a test.
"She said she apologized profusely but the poor boy refused to look her in the eye or speak and he didn't for the rest of the year." – squirmdragon

"Recently I said 'penis' instead of 'pieces' while reading Of Mice and Men aloud to a class of 9th grade boys. I work at a Catholic school. One kid's response was simply, 'Niiiiice.'" – casualcass

"Was reading a story about the Victorian era where the word 'corset' was used. Kids didn't know what that was, so I trotted over to the LED projector, hooked to my laptop and googled 'corset.'
"Yeah, my mind was in the Victorian era, but Google was in Victoria's Secret. All those images — many of them with full nips showing — just got blown up across the wall of my classroom. Annnnnnd that's when the principal walked in for my quarterly evaluation." – bethrevis

"Don't remember exactly why, but I had to get a little stern with my class about timeliness. To drive my point home I finished my rant with 'the clock is right there' while pointing at the clock on the back wall.
"For reasons I'm still not sure of, my tongue just went paralyzed for a split second and it just decided to not pronounce the 'L' in clock… didn't have a whole lot of control of the class for the rest of the day." – flippingjax

"The most embarrassing thing I said was during student teaching. I used to have a terrible habit of blurting out the same response to certain questions/statements. Things like 'YOU'RE dumb' in response to 'that's dumb,' etc. But I kept it in check while I was in school.
"Except this time. One day a kid asked me where my jacket was and I said what I always said when someone asked me where something was: 'I sold it for drug money.' I felt like an idiot as soon as it came out of my mouth." – thediscobison

"I teach college biology, but a few semesters I also taught PE. One day I packed a pair of translucent yellow gym shorts. I didn't realize they were translucent and showed my leopard print underwear until after teaching an entire step class — one of my students told me after." – d1nos0r

"I tried to make my own egg drop soup using onion soup mix — it gave me horrible gas right before class and I ended up crop dusting my students for nearly the entire period." – d1nos0r

"Accidentally called a student 'mom.' The other teachers made fun of me and took my ascot." – Reddit user

"In band rehearsal once, I accidentally passed gas. One of my tuba players nearby heard it and tooted a low Bb on the tuba, matching pitch. We both just looked at each other and laughed." – Back2Bach

"I was kind of absentminded when the kids were telling me stories one day. One told me that he had fainted once from heat stroke. While listening I was thinking out loud and said, 'What if you actually died that day and we're all actually just waiting in purgatory?'
"There was an awkward silence and the boy said, 'Ms. Mae, I don't like that.'" – BeMoreLikeMae1

"I was chatting to a student while my SO Facebooked me. I saw his name pop up on my laptop screen. Half listening to the student, I replied 'Yes my love.'
"I looked up to a horrified 12-year-old boy's face." – paperconservation101
If you're a teacher, have you ever made a mistake like this? SHARE with your friends who are also teachers to hear their embarrassing stories, too!
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.