Finances are a major reason for divorce. When you read this next story, you'll probably understand why. A man went on Reddit recently to post about the very bad reason he borrowed money from his wife's emergency fund.
First of all, he didn't borrow the money (using that term prettttty loosely here, since he didn't actually tell his wife he took it) for an actual emergency. He took the money from his wife's account to help his sister … wait for it … buy a wedding dress. Not like a budget wedding dress, either! He took $5,000 from his wife for his sister's gown.
Of course, since he clearly has no moral compass, he wanted to know if his actions were OK, to which most Reddit users responded, "No, it's basically grounds for a divorce."
The man began his post by explaining that his wife has an account her grandfather set up for her before he passed away. "Shes stated to me that that money are for either an emergency or in case we plan on buying our own house," he explained. "She said that in case I need money for an emergency I'm allowed to use. I also have access to the account but so far I didn't use anything."
Then everything changed. "2 months ago my sister asked me to lend her 5k because she wanted to pay for her wedding dress but her card had expired and kept declining," he said. "I lend her 5k but since I didn't have the full amount of my own paycheck, I borrowed money from my wife's savings."
If your jaw is on the floor, you're definitely not alone. I mean, if his sister can't pay for her $5,000 wedding dress on her own, perhaps she should be looking at cheaper dresses. The fact that she would ask her brother to pay for the dress is pretty boggling on its own. The fact that he agreed, only to use his wife's money, shows that the whole family is pretty whackadoodle.
To be clear, you can't actually borrow money from someone if that person doesn't agree to lend it to you in the first place. So let's just put aside the fact that the man stole money from his wife for a second to examine the real issue: that his sister is probably never paying him back.
His sister said she was going to pay him back within days, but now it's been months. "It's been 2 months now and my sister is putting off on giving back the money she borrowed," he wrote. "She keeps finding excuses on why she couldn't give it back every time. My wife hasn't checked the savings account in ages but what if she happens to check it and she figures out 5k is missing?" RUH-ROH.
The man concluded his post by wondering out loud what he should do. But truly, no one can save him from his own mess. The best thing to do is obviously to come clean, but really, how would anyone not be infuriated no matter what? He took money that wasn't his for a reason that wasn't even good. While it's unfortunate that his sister didn't replace the money, it's pretty clear that the real issue is how he handled the situation from the get-go.
If this dude had any sense — or respect for his wife — he would've discussed what to do with her. Instead, he decided to become a thief, and a pretty sloppy one, at that. When she finds out, which of course she will, she'd be wise to drop him on his sneaky, deceitful bum.
These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.