Beauty certainly comes in all shapes and sizes. There is no right or wrong way to look, as long as you feel good on the inside.
That said, there is a massive amount of money spent on products and surgeries to help people "improve" the way they look.
I have never been one to pay for these products. While I like to look good, I much prefer taking control of my appearance the old-fashioned way: through exercise.
So when I heard that there were easy exercises I could do right at home to help prevent or get rid of arm flab, I knew I'd be trying them out right away.
Just as there are easy exercise methods for getting rid of a double chin, there are things you can do to fight off arm flab from the comfort of your own home.
LittleThings spoke to fitness expert, certified personal trainer, and founder of MJP Fitness, Matt Perfetuo. He gave us eight extremely easy exercises you can try that "will tone and shed unwanted weight." But he also adds, "Eating properly will help, too. Eat lean, clean, and green foods!"
Scroll through this exclusive list of personal-trainer-approved exercises to see just how easy it is to fight arm flab without expensive treatments or surgeries.
Will you be giving these arm exercises a shot? Let us know in the comments.
1. Easy Push-Ups

Our fitness expert Matt Perfetuo recommends these easy close-grip push-ups to fight arm flab.
- Get into a push-up position, with your knees on the floor and your hands directly under your shoulders.
- Keeping your elbows close to your sides, contract your abdomen and glutes, and lower your body.
- Return to the start position.
- Repeat 10 to 12 times.
2. Jumping Jacks

While you've probably heard of them before, Perfetuo says jumping jacks are a great exercise you can do right at home.
- Stand with your feet together and hands at your sides.
- Jump to a position with your legs spread wide and your hands touching overhead.
- Return to your original position with feet together and hands at your sides.
- Repeat 25 times.
3. Soup Can Bend

Using soup cans you have lying around your cabinets, Perfetuo says you can try this overhead extension exercise to help tighten up those arms.
- Stand with your legs together, knees soft, and arms straight up with the elbows next to the ears, holding a can of food in your hands.
- Bend your elbows to a 90º angle.
- Squeeze your triceps to straighten your arms back up again.
- Repeat 10 to 12 times.
4. Wine Bottle Lifts

Wine bottles can also come in handy for this easy lift that Perfetuo refers to as the "Skull Crusher."
- Lay on the floor or a bench with both arms extended overhead, holding a wine bottle in each hand.
- Bend your elbows so your forearms are parallel to the floor.
- Slowly straighten your arms up into the air.
- Lower them back down to the bent elbow position.
- Repeat 10 to 12 times.
5. Chair Dips

Chair dips are another easy exercise that Perfetuo recommends trying at home.
- Sit up straight on a chair with your legs slightly extended and your feet on the floor.
- Place your hands on both sides of the chair, just outside your hips, with the palms down and fingertips pointing toward the floor.
- Without moving your legs, bring your glutes forward off the chair.
- If you are able, slowly lower yourself until your elbows form 90º angles.
- Push yourself back up to the starting position.
- Repeat 10 to 12 times.
6. Elevated Push-Ups

Push-ups can be made a little bit easier by making them elevated, according to Perfetuo.
- Come to a plank position with your feet on the floor and your outstretched arms on a bed, sofa, or other piece of furniture.
- Bend your arms slowly until your elbows reach a 90º angle.
- Press back up to straighten.
- Repeat 10 to 12 times.
7. One-Arm Press

These one-arm presses are extremely easy to do right at home, according to Perfetuo.
- Lie on your left side with knees stacked and slightly bent.
- Place your left hand on your right shoulder.
- Press your right palm into the floor
- Using your palm, lift your torso, extending your right arm until it’s straight.
- Lower yourself back to the floor.
- Repeat 10 to 12 times on each side of the body.
8. Triangle Push-Ups

This alternate way to do push-ups is one that Perfetuo suggests you work on arm fat.
- Get into a push-up position, with your knees on the floor and your hands forming a triangle directly under your chest.
- Make sure the tips of your left and right middle fingers come together to form the top of the triangle, while your thumbs point toward one another to create the base of the triangle.
- Keeping your core stable and your body in one straight line, lower yourself almost all the way to the ground.
- Return to the start position.
- Repeat 10 to 12 times.
Will you be giving these a try? Let us know in the comments.
Please SHARE these simple arm exercises with friends and family!