It's not just you: many people say that McDonald's Coca-Cola really does taste better than Coke from other restaurants, and there are actually several reasons for that. McDonald's even weighed in on the topic in 2021, writing that there are "many reasons the Coca-Cola tastes so great at McDonald’s."
Recently, food scientist and YouTuber Abbey The Food Scientist also spoke to Parade about what makes McDonald's Coca-Cola different from the Coca-Cola sold at other fast food restaurants, and the reasons might surprise you.
First, temperature matters. McDonald's noted on its website that its restaurants "keep our fountain beverage system cold so your drink is always refreshing."
But the science behind the lower temperatures is even deeper than that.
Abbey told Parade that the taste of Coca-Cola is a bit off and flat if it's not kept cold. This is because of carbon dioxide, which gives Coca-Cola "its bite or bubbliness in our mouth."
"The colder a beverage, the more carbon dioxide gas that can be dissolved in it," Abbey told the outlet.
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The water quality also matters, and McDonald's "filter(s) all the water before it enters fountain dispensers."
The reason this is so important is because "low-quality, inconsistent water" can impact the taste of Coca-Cola, according to Abbey. Abbey told Parade what is normally done to the water to improve the taste of beverages.
"Chlorine is removed as it can result in a 'disinfectant' taste, the water hardness will be adjusted since it affects the acidity of the drink, and iron will be removed to limit color and flavor defects," Abbey explained.
McDonald's also offers up two other explanations: the straws at McDonald's are a bit wider than average, and the Coca-Cola syrup is pre-chilled.
The straws at McDonald's are "slightly wider than a typical straw so all that Coke taste can hit your taste buds," according to the chain.
Sources, including The New York Times, have also reported that McDonald's has its Coca-Cola delivered differently compared to other fast food restaurants. Instead of having the Coke delivered in plastic bags, it's delivered in stainless steel containers, according to the outlet.
McDonald's also pays attention to its syrup-to-water ratio. The ratio of syrup was determined with melting ice in mind, so it's not too watery even with ice added to it.
So there you have it: McDonald's is serving you the same Coke that other restaurants serve, with no secret ingredients, but the methods the fast food chain uses to serve your fountain drink make a difference.