If people have anything in common, it is the fact that we are all constantly tired. Most of us try to get enough sleep, but sometimes life just gets in the way.
Of course, looking tired is code for looking crummy. None of us want saggy eye bags dragging down our faces!
Those pesky dark circles are not a good look or a good feeling, and it's not always enough to cover them up with makeup and hope for the best. Sometimes, you need a more lasting solution.
According to the Mayo Clinic, under-eye bags are a sign of skin weakening and aging, but it's not always age-related.
They can also indicate that you're tired, feeling under the weather, or are dealing with inflammation. Some people even have a genetic predisposition.
If under-eye bags are a problem for you, chances are you'd like to get rid of them. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to tackle dark circles with ordinary supplies you probably already have at home.
These nine home remedies prove that you don't need fancy products to beat your bags:
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Eye Bag Remedy #1: Cucumber Slices

Cucumbers are probably the best-known home remedy for eye bags.
If ads and television programs are to be believed, it's not a relaxing spa treatment without a couple of slices of cucumber over your eyes.
It's not just an old wives' tale, there's some serious science behind this trend.
Cucumbers contain vitamin C, which is linked to collagen production, according to Mayo Clinic, and may also help reduce puffiness.
Eye Bag Remedy #2: Potato Skins

Potatoes, like cucumbers, are packed with vitamin C, which means they share many of the same properties that help to reduce puffiness and dark circles.
They also contain an enzyme called catecholase that might naturally bleach your skin, reducing the appearance of dark circles, according to a study from the Osaka City University Medical School.
Use a vegetable peeler to separate the skins, and place them under your eyes.
Eye Bag Remedy #3: Cold Spoons

Spoons aren't normally the type of thing that you place in the fridge, but it's something you might start doing for purely cosmetic reasons.
The conductive metal of an ordinary teaspoon will retain the cold from your fridge.
When you need a quick under-eye fix, just place a chilled spoon, bowl down, on your eye. The cool temperature will reduce inflammation.
Eye Bag Remedy #4: Egg Whites

Eggs are a known superfood, but they're good for more than just eating!
According to Vogue, egg whites are a natural source of a skin-tightening protein called albumin as well as collagen, which both target problematic eye bags.
Whip together some egg whites, then paint the resulting froth under your eyes.
Eye Bag Remedy #5: Tea Bags

Tea is widely accepted as a remedy for almost anything, and eye bags are no exception.
Let your skin feel the tea's soothing quality by refrigerating some used tea bags and placing them under your eyes.
According to The US National Library of Medicine, tea contains natural tannins that tighten skin and act as a natural astringent.
Eye Bag Remedy #6: Aloe Vera Gel

If you've ever had a sunburn, chances are that you've watched aloe vera at work and already know it's cooling effects.
Rub some gel underneath your eyes to soothe bags and puffy skin the same way you would on your sunburn.
Eye Bag Remedy #7: Whole Milk

Drinking milk is good for your bones, but it is also good for putting directly on your skin.
The fat found in whole milk has moisturizing properties, so it helps to smooth skin and replenish vitamins that are causing any darkness or bags.
Lay a milk-soaked towel or cotton pad over your eyes, but be sure to wash when you're done to avoid that "sour milk" smell.
Eye Bag Remedy #8: Witch Hazel

The tannins found in witch hazel are what makes the plant extract so good for your skin.
A study done at a British University found witch hazel helps to reduce swelling, and also promotes healing fights bacteria as a bonus.
Soak cotton pads in witch hazel, then lay them gently over your eyes to reap the benefits.
Eye Bag Remedy #9: Water

If it seems like water is the answer to everything, that's probably because it is.
Staying hydrated is the best way to give back to your skin and prevent the development of bags at the source!
Make sure you drink a big glass of water first thing in the morning, to reduce the appearance of eye bags before you leave the house.
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