We all need a little help sometimes, and no one wants to help us out more than our furry or feathered friends.
In return for all of the joy and excitement they bring us, we have to return the favor as much as possible, especially in world that doesn't fully appreciate them. You could say we need to help them "keep their ducks in a row" in their moments of greatest need!
She might not be able to show it, but the mama duck in the video below must be beyond grateful for the the helpful humans that came to help. Twelve kids are a lot to handle, and when they're all so curious and running around like crazy, things happen. While taking a stroll one day, her little ducklings fell into a well, and without a clue of what to do, she began quacking and squawking like crazy. Luckily, there were people around to hear her cries for help.
Armed with a bucket and some rope, they scooped the ducklings out of the well and back into their mother's loving care. Now, let this be a lesson to that new mother. You've got to keep an eye on your kids at all times and watch where you step.
Please SHARE if you're just as glad that someone was there to help her out!