George Is A Cat Who Hates Standing Like Other Cats. When You Get Closer, You’ll See!

I'm a pug mom, and I've often entertained the idea of opening my very own pug rescue, but I've never dreamed of adding a kitty to my pet family because I have allergies. Every once in a while, however, a cat comes along who makes this devoted pug enthusiast want to change her crazy ways.

Meet George, for example. I just met him this morning while browsing Reddit. A Redditor by the name of Egzo posted a photo series of this peculiar kitty with the heading "George is a cat that prefers to stand on 2 legs."

The photos he posted afterward… Well, let's just say they don't disappoint.

Commenters were so obsessed with young George that they encouraged Egzo to open an Instagram for the feline — which he did! If you like to use Instagram, we highly recommend you go follow user "GEORGE2LEGS." His bio simply states "Hi I'm George and I like to stand."

Well, George, we here at LittleThings like that you like to stand as well. Here are some photos of ol' George2Legs to brighten your day. Please remember to SHARE 'em with your family and friends!

George likes to stand.

Reddit / Egzo

He seems to believe that using all four legs is so last year.


Standing like a human intimidates his pug buddy.

Reddit / Egzo

That's okay, George. I'll be your friend.

Reddit / Egzo

Two-legged standing comes in handy, particularly when you have to keep an eye on whether or not Mom is opening up some cat food.

Reddit / Egzo

Or just generally making sure that nobody is ever eating without feeding you.

Reddit / Egzo

Oh, George!

Reddit / Egzo

Have you ever met a cat quite like George?

Reddit / Egzo

Please SHARE this unspeakably cool cat with all of your friends.

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.