Winter blues got you ready to scream? I'm right there with you…along with the rest of the East Coast, Midwest, mountainous regions, and even some parts of the South. What is going on with the bitter cold this year?!
Oh my goodness, I can totally relate to this video, and if you're in any place plagued by snow this winter, then you'll be able to as well! Didn't you hear, we're in for more insanely cold weather?! And we're supposed to be on the downswing…
I know I can't take it anymore, and the woman in this next video has reached her weather breaking point, too. Her stress and frustration are about to bubble over, and she's about to take it all out on the poor snowman in this video.
Freezing pipes. Slippery streets. Frigid air. Yep, this video perfectly sums up how I feel about this winter's bitter cold weather.
R.I.P., snowman…hopefully we won't see you again until next year!!
Please SHARE on Facebook if you feel just like this woman does!