Abandoned Puppy Covered In Scabs Stuns Vet With Transformation 8 Weeks Later

There's nothing more heart-wrenching than seeing a helpless animal in poor condition due to circumstances that are totally out of his or her control.

But we can all sleep easy knowing there are plenty of people out there willing to step in and help out an animal in distress. These two rescue dogs, for example, were both given another chance at a happy life by being brought into new homes.

There are plenty of vets out there, like Dr. Matt of Vet Ranch, who take in injured animals every day — working on their needs to bring them up to good health for a brand-new home.

When Hank the husky was dropped at Dr. Matt's door on October 18, 2016, he went about his patient no differently than the rest.

Dr. Matt evaluated the damage on Hank, who had mite-infested skin and scabs all over his body. So the vet started Hank off with a nice, long bath — which already made him look much healthier than before!

Over the course of the next several weeks, Hank slowly regained his strength and was growing in a new coat of healthy fur. A full two months later, you wouldn't even be able to recognize this pup!

Are you amazed at Hank's transformation in just eight weeks? Let us know in the comments below, and feel free to SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!

Video disclaimer: The footage below contains graphic content that is not suitable for everyone.