Very Fit Grandmother Shows Off The Proper Way To Get Back Into A Boat If You Fall Out

At first, it might seem like this grandmother is helpless as she treads water. She hopelessly grabs the boat, but can't seem to climb up. Without her life vest, it seems that this "old lady" isn't going to be able to cling on for very long.

Well, even though this grandmother might be over 50 years old, that doesn't mean a single thing. And if you think that age means anything besides more wisdom and life experience, then maybe you really need to check out the video below.

This grandmother has a perfect way to get back aboard a small dinghy or boat just in case you ever find yourself to have fallen overboard! While most people would expect that you're supposed to climb your way up into the small ship, this fit and healthy grandmother has a perfect answer to that.

Make sure to check out the story below, and please SHARE this amazing woman with the world if you think age is just a number!

Facebook/NSW International Optimist Dinghy Association

For anyone who has ridden around in smaller boats, it's pretty well known that a randomly big wave can come out of nowhere and really do some damage on you and your boat.

While you should always be wearing a life vest, sometimes someone will find themselves in a situation where that just hasn't happened. Next thing you know, one bad wave can send you overboard and sopping wet!


So when one fit grandmother found herself floating in the water, she luckily knew exactly what to do. She was aboard her little dinghy in a small river — and thankfully this is a controlled situation — but in one easy motion, she shows you the perfect way to climb back up into your boat!


Usually it takes a lot of effort to pull yourself up out of the water and back onto your boat, but Grandma has a perfect solution!

Facebook/Ric O'Barry's Dolphin Project

And no, her answer does not involve help from friendly dolphins!


Make sure to watch the amazing video below to watch this helpful information. This in-shape grandma might be over 50 years old, but she is rocking life and being amazing every single step of the way!

Watch the amazing video below!

And please SHARE this video if you think everyone could use a little safety information!