Identical Twins Graduate College With The Same Impressive GPA

It was double the pomp and double the circumstance when these two identical twin sisters graduated from Florida International University.

Twin sisters Shonda Witherspoon and Shalisha Witherspoon got a degree from FIU School of Engineering with top GPAs. The identical pair — who were homeschooled growing up — received identically impressive 3.95 GPAs from the difficult program. (Talk about doing so much together like those twin barbers in Minnesota!)

Their proud mother, Sheila, was there to watch them graduate during this special moment.

"I’m so very proud of them," she told CBS Miami. "They worked so hard and they studied hard and they’re dedicated students so this moment just means the world to me."

More than just impressive, this identical GPA makes history. Shonda and Shalisha are honored to be the first dual recipients of the Best Undergraduate Student of the Year Award at FIU.

The twin sisters credit one another for part of their success, and helped drive each other to achieve. The two, after all, were study partners the whole way through, and pushed each other to study hard even when one of them would rather watch TV.

“Sometimes when they ask a question, we answer at the same time,” said Shonda.

They can keep helping each other achieve greatness when they attend graduate school at Florida International University next year!

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