10 Cute Bugs That Seem Innocent, But Are Actually Dangerous

Most people prefer puppies and kittens to ants and grasshoppers, but believe it or not, there are some bugs out there that are pretty cute… at least compared to some of their creepier counterparts. Sometimes it's due to their big eyes, other times it's because of their unique markings or bright colors, but there are plenty of not-so-creepy crawlers out there that have a surprising amount of the "aww" factor. But looks can be deceiving, and just because a bug looks cute doesn't mean it can't hurt you.

While there are some bugs that are known to inspire terror in just about anyone who sees them, like this spider that terrified a weatherman on live TV, not all insects and arachnids are worth being worried about. In fact, many of them are worth wanting around your home. These bugs all have the potential to benefit your garden by eating the pests that destroy your hard-grown plants. Still, in some cases, it's better to be safe than sorry when handling seemingly innocent insects.

Check out these adorable critters that you do not want to mess with. If you see one, though, remember that they're still important for the ecosystem! There's no reason to kill them, but as long as you keep your distance, you can admire them from afar without having to worry about getting hurt.

Make sure you SHARE these deceptively cute bugs with everyone you know!

1. Puss Caterpillar

Jeffdelonge/ Wikimedia Commons

This fuzzy critter is the larval form of the southern flannel moth. Their resemblance to furry cats is possibly what gave them their name, but beneath all that hair are venomous spines that can cause symptoms including burning, nausea, and even difficulty breathing.

2. Africanized Honey Bee

Jessie Eastland/ Wikimedia Commons

They look like the normal, cute honey bees you see pollinating flowers, but the Africanized honey bee is far more dangerous. They will chase a person for up to a quarter of a mile and sting them 10 times as much as the more common European honey bee. These bees have killed up to 1,000 humans, and there have also been reports of them killing animals as large as horses.

3. Bombardier Beetle

Patrick Coin/ Wikimedia Commons

The bombardier beetle looks borderline cuddly with its big eyes and large bum, but if they feel threatened, their abdomens shoot out a toxic spray that's nearly as hot as boiling water.

4. Kissing Bug

Pavel Kirillov/ Wikimedia Commons

This bug might not look very cute, but its name is kind of sweet… until you learn that it's also called the "vampire bug" or the "assassin bug." They feed on the blood of vertebrates and are known to transmit Chagas disease, which can cause fever, headache, and swollen lymph nodes. If it enters the chronic stage, it can cause heart failure 10 to 30 years after the initial infection.

5. Saddleback Caterpillar

thatredhead4/ Wikimedia Commons

This strange and colorful creature would look right at home as a children's cartoon character, but beware of those hairs sprouting out of it — they secrete a venom that can cause a rash or even nausea if touched by a human.

6. Jumping Spider

Opoterser/ Wikimedia Commons

I know, I know — can spiders ever be cute? It's hard to say no when you see those big, googly eyes on a jumping spider. These little guys aren't harmful to humans, but their hunting techniques are a nightmare for their prey — they jump on their future food, then inject a fast-acting venom that leaves the victim unable to move until it eventually dies. Trust me, you want these critters in your garden!

7. Millipede

centicurl/ Wikimedia Commons

All of those legs can be a little unsettling, but millipedes are kind of cute when they curl up into a ball. In fact, a surprisingly large number of people actually keep these bugs as pets. But be careful about touching them — they secrete toxic chemicals if they feel threatened.

8. Hickory Tussock Moth

bobistraveling/ Wikimedia Commons

Some of the hairs on these cute and fuzzy caterpillars can cause rashes on human skin. If you rub your eyes after touching one, you might end up facing a serious medical emergency.

9. Bullet Ant

Geoff Gallice/ Wikimedia Commons

Maybe I'm alone in this, but I think these tiny insects look pretty cute with their big jaws. But the bullet ant gets its name from the excruciatingly painful sting it dishes out, which some have said feels like getting shot. An indigenous tribe in Brazil uses these bugs as part of an initiation rite for boys, weaving the ants into a glove and having them sting the boys' hands for up to 10 minutes. The kids will have to repeat the process up to 20 times before they are considered to be "men."

10. Burnet Moth

Charlesjsharp/ Wikimedia Commons

You might mistake one of these colorful moths for butterflies. But if you touch them, you might end up getting toxic hydrogen cyanide on your skin.

Make sure you SHARE these deceptive bugs with everyone you know!