Injured Dad Survives Four Days In The Woods To See Wife And Daughter Again

John Sain is an experienced hunter and outdoorsman. Today, he can add "survivor" to that list. When John was out hunting elk in McCall, ID, he slipped between two logs and fell.

The accident broke both the bones in his lower leg, rendering him unable to walk. "I honestly didn't think I was going to make it out," John told ABC.

Although it's no small feat, surviving in the wilderness under such extreme conditions is possible, even for those less equipped then John, like pregnant Amber Pangborn, who used smoke signals to call for help after being stranded for days.

The 50-year-old was miles away from the nearest trail, didn't have cell service, and was in terrible pain.

"I contemplated on just ending it right there honestly," he said. John looked at his pistol and was ready to take his own life, but before he did so, he wrote goodbye letters to his wife and daughter.

It was through his own words and prayers that he realized he had to survive for his family. With only a little food, a water purifier, and a small survival kit, John began to crawl. He crawled for four days.

When he was dehydrated and thought he could no longer go on. he saw the unthinkable: two motorcyclists, who accidentally wandered through the area, discovered John.

"Thank God. I was praying the whole way that it would happen and it did. My prayers were answered for sure," he said. The cyclists called emergency rescuers who airlifted John to a Boise hospital.

"It was hard just knowing that he's out in the hills just trying to stay alive," his wife Jennifer said. "It still doesn't seem real to me."

See more of this incredible story below, and please SHARE if you're glad John made the choice to fight for his life.

The survival story of John Sain

Thank you to ABC7 for covering this story about a incredible mans will to survive. Thank you to all of you on Facebook for your well wishes and prayers for my sister and her family through this difficult time.

Posted by John DeYoe on Thursday, September 24, 2015