12 Kidney Disease Symptoms For Men And Women That You Should Absolutely NEVER Ignore

According to Dialysis Patient Citizens, between 20 and 40 million Americans suffer from chronic kidney disease.

The reason the estimate spans such a large range? Many people have not seen a doctor to be diagnosed before the disease has reached an advanced stage in their bodies.

Early detection is absolutely vital when it comes to kidney disease, as with other serious illnesses like cancer. Allowing full blown kidney failure to occur can lead to a need for dialysis or even a kidney transplant.

Fortunately, many people can avoid kidney failure by discovering kidney disease in its initial stages.

The Medical Education Institute writes, "Many people who have chronic kidney disease don't know it because the early signs can be very subtle. Knowing the symptoms of kidney disease can help you get the treatment you need to feel your best."

But how am I supposed to know what symptoms to look out for? This exclusive look at the symptoms of kidney disease shows exactly what I should be keeping my eye on.

I know my body better than anybody, so I know I am the best person to determine if something is not right. I mistakenly thought that some of these symptoms were just a normal part of getting older. But I'm so glad I know this now!

Scroll through to see which symptoms should be a red flag for both women and men. While these symptoms don't always mean kidney disease is the problem, they should be taken seriously enough that you see a doctor right away.

Symptom #1: Confusion

LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

If you are suddenly experiencing confusion or having trouble concentrating, there is probably an underlying medical reason. A trip to the doctor is absolutely necessary.

According to the Medical Education Institute, "Anemia related to kidney failure means that your brain is not getting enough oxygen. This can lead to memory problems, trouble with concentration, and dizziness."

Symptom #2: Skin Changes

LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

It may sound like a weird symptom, but excessively dry, itchy skin is a major symptom of kidney disease.

The National Kidney Center writes, "If your kidneys are unable to remove waste from the bloodstream, the buildup can cause rashes and severe itching."

If unexplained itching or severe rashes occur, you should absolutely see your doctor to have your kidneys checked out.

Symptom #3: Increased Blood Pressure

LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

The Mayo Clinic writes that "signs and symptoms of kidney disease may include high blood pressure (hypertension) that's difficult to control."

There are many serious health conditions that could be causing high blood pressure. It is very important to see a medical professional if your blood pressure keeps increasing.

Symptom #4: Shortness of Breath

LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

According to the Medical Education Institute, "Trouble catching your breath can be related to the kidneys in two ways. First, extra fluid in the body can build up in the lungs. And second, anemia (a shortage of oxygen-carrying red blood cells) can leave your body oxygen-starved and short of breath."

Obviously, we all experience labored breathing when we perform strenuous exercise. But if you are finding yourself short of breath for no reason, you should definitely get it checked out as soon as possible.

Symptom #5: Leg Pains

LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

Surprisingly, pain in the legs can be an indication of serious kidney trouble.

The National Kidney Center writes, "Kidney problems can lead to pain in the back, side or even in the leg. Kidney cysts resulting from polycystic kidney disease that form on kidneys…can also cause back and leg pain."

Less serious (but still painful) kidney stones can lead to these spasms of pain, and it is crucial that you have them looked at by a doctor.

Go to PAGE 2 to learn more symptoms of kidney disease that affect both women and men!

Symptom #6: Swelling

LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

According to the Medical Education Institute, "Failing kidneys don't remove extra fluid, which builds up in your body to cause swelling in the legs, ankles, feet, face, and/or hands."

This swelling can range anywhere from mild to extremely severe. The important thing to remember is that if you are noticing pockets of fluid building up in your extremities, you should seek medical attention immediately.

Symptom #7: Chills

LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

Having chills, or feeling cold in a warm room, could be a sign that you are having serious kidney trouble.

The National Kidney Center writes that healthy kidneys produce a hormone "which prompts the body to make oxygen-carrying red blood cells. Kidney disease can interrupt the healthy production of this hormone and cause…anemia. Anemia and kidney disease can result in a variety of symptoms, including constantly feeling cold."

Symptom #8: Loss of Appetite

LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

According to WebMD, "The symptoms of kidney disease may include loss of appetite."

If you find yourself less interested in food, particularly if this is accompanied by other symptoms of kidney disease, you will probably want to get checked out. While weight loss may seem like a positive side effect, this lack of appetite is not good for your long term health and is often a sign of a larger problem.


Symptom #9: Bad Taste or Bad Breath

LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

It might sound silly, but it is actually very serious. Experiencing a metallic taste in the mouth is one of the strongest signs that something is wrong with your kidneys.

According to DaVita Healthcare, you should look out for "ammonia breath or an ammonia or metal taste in the mouth. Waste build-up in the body can cause bad breath, changes in taste, or an aversion to protein foods like meat."

Go to PAGE 3 to learn more symptoms of kidney disease that affect both women and men!

Symptom #10: Trouble Urinating

LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

The National Kidney Center writes, "Because your kidneys are tasked with making urine, and thereby eliminating waste, any changes in the frequency, color, or appearance of urine should be taken seriously."

They continue, "Some common types of changes include: urinating more frequently during the night or in greater amounts, urinating less often or in smaller amounts, having foamy or bubbly urine or blood in your urine, [and] difficulty urinating."

While kidney disease isn't the only serious condition that affects your urination habits, you should certainly see a doctor if you notice large changes.

Symptom #11: Fatigue

LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

According to Dialysis Patient Citizens, one of the early symptoms of kidney disease is "fatigue/tiredness" that is caused by a lack of healthy red blood cells. They write, "Healthy kidneys produce a hormone that helps produce red blood cells."

Everyone feels tired from time to time. However, if you notice that you are experiencing extreme fatigue even after getting a good amount of sleep the night before, this is probably a sign that something larger is going on, and you should speak to your doctor right away.

Symptom #12: Nausea and Vomiting

LittleThings / Maya Borenstein

The National Kidney Center writes that as a result of kidney disease, "waste buildup in the blood can also cause nausea and vomiting."

Because your kidneys are responsible for getting rid of waste from the body, nausea and vomiting can be the unfortunate side effects of kidney disease. It is important to see a doctor if these become frequent or extreme, particularly when paired with other symptoms.

The key to preventing late stage kidney disease or kidney failure is early detection. Make sure that you know the signs!

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