The Kiss Cam can be a fun thing to watch, but what if you were caught by it unaware…and didn't exactly have a date?
In this hilarious video, the LA Kings Kiss Cam is zooming around the crowd, trying to find unsuspecting lovebirds. While there are definitely some sweet moments between couples, dads, and daughters (who were almost as sweet as this dad and his Princess), and even celebrity David Beckham (not to mention my favorite older couple at 1:48), the best part about this Kiss Cam was brought to us by an unnamed blond woman would just couldn't decide who to kiss!
Kissing can be a very intimate act (not to mention an exciting one, just ask this kid!), but sometimes, it's just a thing you do to make an entire crowd laugh! When she noticed the Kiss Cam was on her, one woman decides to kiss not one, not two, not three…well, you'll just have to watch the entire thing to see just how many guys she goes after! And the best part is that everyone was happy afterwards — especially the guys!
Can you imagine being in that situation? Instead of being embarrassed, she just went for it! That's the kind of gumption I admire! I kind of want her to be my best friend now!
Please SHARE this hilarious moment!