The summer is a great season for going on adventures, getting outside, and having fun.
But for a lot of people, especially women, summer can also come with its own set of anxieties.
For one thing, it's hot in the summer, and that means we wear less clothing. From tank tops to shorts to bathing suits, people show a lot of skin in the summer. And that means confronting your body.
And if you're like most people, you have at least one part of your body that maybe you don't feel so great about.
Maybe you shop for clothing specifically to mask those parts of your body. And maybe your feeling of not looking "good enough" even prevents you from doing things you love.
Many women have sadly grown up with a constant barrage of messages from TV, other media, and even other people that tell them they're somehow not good enough simply for looking how they do. And it's no secret that these messages can cause so much sadness, anger, and issues with self confidence.
Luckily, more and more women are pushing back against this, and learning to embrace their bodies, whatever their size, shape, or age. And they're using their newfound confidence to inspire others, the way model Olivia Campbell speaks out to help women and girls love themselves.
So what can you do this summer to love your body? A lot, actually!
And don't worry — none of it involves changing your body at all, just how you think of it!
Feeling Down On Yourself Is A Vicious Cycle

Everyone does it. We stand in front of the mirror and trash-talk ourselves. We're always "too" something.
And after doing that, who wants to put on a bathing suit?
Thinking like this can make you miss out on the big, beautiful world and all it has to offer.
But how are you supposed to feel better without making some kind of massive, annoying change?
Guess what: You don't have to. Follow these simple, thought-adjusting rules, and you'll be feeling good in no time.
Tip #1: Get Active

This kind of activity isn't about working out, losing weight, or changing shape. This is about doing something physical that you love just for the sake of doing it.
Using your body is a great way to get to know it again, and appreciate it in a new way. You'll feel great afterwards, and you'll have great experiences.
If you're not an athletic type, even a stroll through the neighborhood is a great way to do this. Enlist friends and family and make it a group activity.
Tip #2: Wear What You Love

Too often we get so hung up on the idea of what we "should" or "shouldn't" wear that we forget about what we like to wear.
The only rule with clothing, though, is to wear what you like and what's comfortable.
Sure, you have to dress appropriately for work and events, but in the casual summer, flaunt your style.
Like bright colors and bold patterns? Wear them! Like sequins and glitter? Why not?
Wearing what makes you feel good will make you look better than wearing something you hate, but think you "should" be wearing.
Tip #3: Practice Positive Thoughts

Looking in the mirror can open the floodgates for self-criticism, so it's time to reverse that habit.
When you look in the mirror, pick out one thing that you like about yourself.
Is it your smile? Your eyes? Your skin? Is it just that you're having a great hair day?
Whatever it is, concentrate on it. Then, like playing "Grandmother's Trunk," add to your list of likes every day.
Tip #4: Put Away The Scale

Scales are useful when you need them, but standing on it day in and day out and agonizing over a number does nothing good.
Try stowing your scale away for the summer. It might seem like a big deal, but try living without it for a while.
You might find that it's hard at first, especially if it's part of your daily ritual, but in time, you might find yourself loosening your grip on the fixation over that number.
Tip #5: Be Positive Towards Others

When we feel down, it's easy to lash out by dragging someone else down. It could be someone you know or even a celebrity.
But being catty doesn't really make you feel good. Not deep down.
What does make you feel good, though? Being kind. Give compliments to your friends and family. Appreciate their unique looks and personalities for what they are.
You'll not only make them feel great, but you'll feel better about yourself. It's a win-win!
Tip #6: Don't Stress About Shopping

Shopping and trying on clothes can be really stressful, especially if you're anxious about size.
Try shopping with a friend if you feel overwhelmed in stores, and try not to focus on size numbers.
If something doesn't fit, there's nothing wrong with you. What's wrong is the clothing. Not you.
And if shopping in a store really stresses you out, try out online options that let you try on clothing at home.
Tip #7: Realize Others Have Insecurities, Too

Newsflash: You're not the only one who feels down about your body sometimes.
In fact, most people are often so hung about their own bodies that they're not even thinking about yours.
Realizing that everyone has their insecurities is actually really freeing, because it makes us remember that we're all navigating the experience of having a unique body.
And there's probably someone who wishes they had what you do!
Tip #8: Hang Out With Positive People

Like wearing clothes, hanging out with others should be fun and enjoyable.
If you find that your current crowd brings you down by only talking about dieting, maybe try hanging out with other people… like people who make you feel good.
Find the people who support and love you, and who make you feel good about yourself. Spend time with them.
Tip #9: Realize The Media Is Not Real Life

Endless barrages of ads, billboards, and ridiculous TV can warp our view of reality.
But we don't need to tell you that those images you see have been doctored beyond recognition.
Teams of makeup artists, special lighting, and tons of post-processing and Photoshop can make anyone look completely different.
Bottom line? It's not real. It's not anyone's reality, even the models'! Your reality is far more interesting, so spend time there.
Tip #10: Focus On The Fun

If you're worrying about what's exposed, what's jiggling, or what other people might be thinking, then you're probably not focusing on what's going on.
If you're out somewhere, or even just enjoying the weather on the front porch, and start feeling those old worries, concentrate on something nice that's going on.
Really focus on it, and let yourself get swept away in it. You'll enjoy yourself so much more.
Tip #11: Give Yourself Time

Re-learning how you see and talk about yourself takes time, and sometimes, you'll fall back into old habits. That's OK. Changes don't happen overnight.
To keep yourself on track, write down everything that made you feel good during the day before you go to bed.
It will help you concentrate on the good things and let go of the things that make you feel insecure.
This summer, give yourself the gift of learning to love your body. You deserve it, and you deserve to have a summer of fun, not of worrying about what you look like.
And when you follow these tips, you just might inspire others to feel confident, too.
SHARE these tips for summer confidence with everyone you know and have some fun in the sun!