I love chocolate. I love chocolate so, so much that sometimes I think I could survive on chocolate alone.
There are so many wonderful things that you can do with chocolate. You can put it in s'mores, you can put it in boring old milk, you can put it on top of ice cream, you can stuff it into flaky pastries, and, perhaps the best of all, you can let it melt on your tongue, plain and simple.
But, as it turns out, eating chocolate isn't the only amazing thing that you can do with it. You can also make some pretty impressive art if you know what you're doing!
These 15 amazing works of art are all made from chocolate by some pretty talented folks. I've never seen anything like them before!
One thing is for sure, I'm definitely craving something made from chocolate now!
Do you love chocolate? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!
Thumbnail source: Wikimedia Commons / Stu Spivack

I might like this Eiffel Tower better than the actual one.

Not sure how well these tools will work but I'm sure they're darn tasty.

I suppose the headless horseman has to put his head down somewhere while he sits for a meal, right?

Can I just live in this chocolate town? Please?

This little bot is just about cute enough to eat!

Can you imagine how much chocolate would go into a life-sized Lady Liberty? Because this huge hunk of the sweet stuff isn't enough for me, of course.

You can really see the detail in this closeup of a chocolate man. Creepy? Or cool? I think a bit of both!

I know that this purse can't hold any of my belongings, but that doesn't mean that I wouldn't carry it around with me until I nibble it down to nothing.

I'm sure that this mini violin is as sweet as the sounds a real one would make.

I don't even care if this dress would melt right off my body. I want it. I think I might even need it!

I know they're chocolate, but they sure do look like real eggs. Either way, they look absolutely yummy.

I know they're cute, but I wouldn't try to cuddle these toys unless you want to get everything covered in chocolate!

Chocolate beats potato every time in my book !

Holy cowgirl, that's a lot of chocolate — over half a ton!

This sweet, sweet cherub deserves some rest for spreading so much joy.
Have you ever seen chocolate like this before? Please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook!