Now, 36 years after the passing of a little boy named Christopher James Greicius, an incredible movement full of love and kindness has become a worldwide blessing.
Chris was given to his mom as a newborn, and she was told that he wouldn't survive. Although she says she knew that he would never grow old, she also knew he would survive past that sentence from the doctor the first day of his life, and she made sure that he remained her little buddy for as long as possible.
When he was older, he was diagnosed with leukemia, and his family was fated with a heartbreaking journey ahead of them.
That was, until Chris met the Austin family. From that moment on, there was something that gave Chris energy and hope. Chris thought there was something about that family that was special, and he was right.
Between the Austins and the others they brought along the way, Chris ended up getting his dream come true when his disease was about to take his life from him.
His dream? To take a ride in a police helicopter.
Shortly after he got his wish come true, he passed, and the people that were along on his journey and helped him smile realized the incredible power of making a simple wish come true.
Then, the Make-A-Wish Foundation was born.
Please watch, and SHARE this amazing story about how a global movement was started to change children's lives for the better.