Everyone dreams of finding buried treasure in their own backyard.
Just the thought of a hidden chest filled with jewels that's always been there is exciting, let alone actually finding something of value hidden in the dirt.
Don't get me wrong, hidden treasures can really be found just about anywhere.
Just ask this couple who purchased a $7 antique chair only to find some something very valuable when they stripped the fabric away. Hidden within the chair were three pieces of diamond jewelry — what a lucky find!
Even something as boring as a VCR can be hiding some cool secrets. Like this story of a woman who purchased a secondhand VCR only to find a couple's wedding tape still inside. She's now on a mission to find the couple and return the tape!
It's so interesting to hear what people find in the most random places!
For Kasey Keller, his surprise find came when he was digging with a backhoe in his own backyard.
Keller hit upon something strange and decided to take a closer look. What he found is the only piece of mammoth remains to ever be found in his region.
And he didn't find any old part of the once-great mammoth, Keller found the tusk! It's amazing to think of the huge mammal just wandering around thousands of years ago.
Please SHARE this incredible find with all of your family and friends!