Man Accuses Girlfriend Of 6 Months Of ‘Trapping’ Him With Baby But He Is Jobless And Broke

Obviously, people don't always plan out when they're having babies. Someone recently shared on Reddit that their cousin has gotten the woman he's been dating pregnant, and now the cousin is telling everyone who will listen that the woman "trapped" him with a baby.

The thing is, the man doesn't have a job, and his cousin believes there's no way these two would be serious about each other if the woman wasn't expecting. Unsurprisingly, the man didn't take that too well.

The couple is planning to commit.

"My cousin, Tom (27m) recently got his 'girlfriend', Amy (26f) pregnant," the poster begins. "I put girlfriend in quotes, because they weren't technical boyfriend and girlfriend yet, but they have been going out for over half a year. Now they plan to be serious for the baby and move in together."

He says women 'always' trap men with babies.

"A few of us got together, Tom, his brother, his brother's girlfriend, my husband and I," the poster continues. "Tom started talking about how Amy has baby trapped him as women always do with men. He said that Amy has brought up wanting to be exclusive with him before, but he said no so that must be the reason why she got pregnant."

But the woman is in a far better position than he is.

"Now Tom is 27, unemployed, has been trying to get his degree for 6 years now (no degree in sight yet), has no idea what he wants to do with his life and lives with his parents. Amy has a master's degree, a nice career, her own apartment and honestly seems to be a great woman overall. I've only met her a few times, but she is fun and lovely."

The cousin called him out.

"When Tom said what he said, I just laughed a bit and told him that with him being unemployed, broke and living at home, he wasn't worth baby trapping. IF anyone had baby trapped anyone here, it was him, because he could've never gotten such an amazing woman to stick with him long-term otherwise."

Now they aren't getting along at all.

"Now he is really upset with me and it looks like he wants to cut me out of his life completely," the poster explains. "My husband thinks I was right saying what I said, but my other cousin and his girlfriend say that even though Tom is acting really stupid, I shouldn't have insulted him so much as he is already insecure about his situation."

People think the cousin is ridiculous.

One commenter summed it up: "I also find it interesting that he says something sexist and rude about the mother of his child, but you turn it back on him and he wants to never talk to you again."

And they don't understand what exactly he is doing in life.

Another person wrote, "This is so embarrassing. I'm an actual teenager – a whole 10 years younger than him – and most people my age that I know have part-time jobs or internships on top of being full-time students, a plan for the future and at least some educational qualifications. Most of us even spend several hours a week doing something productive like competing in some sports or volunteering. And this man is coming to 30 and still lives off his parents?"

He's also overreacting.

A second person noted, "For one, it kinda shows the kind of person he is when he says he thinks she’s baby trapped him. Based on what you said, he should consider himself lucky to have her. Also just because she’s pregnant, doesn’t mean they have to be together, be exclusive, or live together. I kind of think Amy should dump him. He is annoyed she wants to be exclusive and says things like she baby trapped him. Kinda seems like he doesn’t appreciate and doesn’t think very highly of her. Plus he brought it up. He kinda deserved it. Don’t say someone baby trapped you but then get mad someone says that about u. Also like it’s definitely an overreaction to cut you out of his life for that."

Plus, the baby is now their family, too.

As a third person put it, "Amy and her child are members of your family and entitled to respect and love. Your cousin is a poor person to be spreading negative gossip about his own child and partner to wider family, which van affect how people start looking at/treating them."

These stories are based on posts found on Reddit. Reddit is a user-generated social news aggregation, web content rating, and discussion website where registered members submit content to the site and can up- or down-vote the content. The accuracy and authenticity of each story cannot be confirmed by our staff.