The Inside Of His House Is A Complete Mess. But WHY He Keeps It That Way? I’m Floored!

Allan Law retired from teaching 16 years ago. Although he is regarded as a bit of an eccentric, his story will inspire you to be a better person.

Law's selfless spirit reminds me of the anonymous bartender who feeds the homeless every night.

"I never complain," Law told USA Today. "I don't have to do it, I could quit right now, and I never will quit, ever, as long as I'm alive."

He's correct. No one has to do what he does. No one has to be as devoted or as headstrong as him. Yet it's people like Allan Law that change the world or at least their small corner of it.

Law keeps 17 refrigerators in his apartment. While this is peculiar to most, especially when one considers how little space he has, the reason he does it is because he cares.

"Sometimes I get emotional," Law says. "Somebody has to care."

However, tirelessly driving through the streets at night to provide socks, sandwiches, and even bus tokens to the homeless, Law often suffers himself.

"It's stupid," Law said. "Last night I got no sleep out in the streets, but I slept two hours today."

I'm going to have to disagree. There's nothing stupid about Law's act of kindness.

His living situation may be startling, but when you see why it's a necessary part of his job, you'll be as moved as I am.

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