It takes guts to get up on stage and perform. It takes even more guts to wear a bikini top on said stage. But for someone to get up on stage, wearing a bikini top, who doesn't fit the ideal mold of what society considers beautiful? Now that takes confidence and sexiness to a whole new level.
Watch the fabulous Mandanah perform a drum solo belly dance in a video that has more than 33 million views.
Mandanah is known as one of the world's first highly awarded, full-figured belly dancers. She's celebrated for her dynamic performance, enthusiasm, and stage presence, all of which can be seen in the video below. She's totally in control of her movements, and she's able translate the music into fluid motions with her body.
Not surprisingly, many commenters have some pretty nasty things to say about her appearance and her performance, but just as many people sing her praises.
This performance reminds me of Emma Haslam, who took the stage at Britain’s Got Talent. The audience was ready to brush her off because of her body size, but Emma ended up impressing even the harshest judge.
If you're impressed and inspired by Mandana, please show her some love and SHARE this performance with your friends on Facebook!