During the height of the health crisis, a woman went shopping at a Marc's supermarket in Brook Park, Ohio, and refused to wear a mask inside the store.
The woman's name, coincidentally enough, is Karen.
When 55-year-old Karen Turner started to verbally harass the staff — refusing to put on a mask or leave the store — the police were called and the drama ensued.
Turner questioned whether or not there was a law requiring her to wear a mask (despite the fact that Ohio had a state mandate for masks in public).
Turner also questioned whether or not she even posed a medical threat (despite the countless medical experts who say masks help prevent the spread).
She then threatened to sue the officer for telling her to either wear a mask or leave the supermarket.
The confrontation grew so heated that the cop felt he had no choice but to arrest her. Once she was placed in handcuffs, she started kicking and thrashing around inside the squad car.
Turner initially pleaded not guilty to resisting arrest, criminal trespassing, and failure to disclose information. Ultimately, she pleaded no contest to the charges and paid fines.
Watch the encounter in the clip below.