Meghan Markle Makes The Same New Year’s Resolution Every Single Year: Stop Swearing

With the New Year just around the corner, people all over the world are coming up with resolutions. From going to the gym to spending less time online, now is the time to finalize those wishes.

I know for 2018, I'm focusing on eating healthier and cutting down on spending money.

It almost seems hard to imagine that anyone in the royal family would do something as simple as keep a resolution — but as it turns out, royal-to-be Meghan Markle does!

The Telegraph reported that on her personal blog The Tig, Meghan opened up about all of her resolutions in 2016. While the site is no longer active, it's reported that Prince Harry's fiancée keeps the same resolutions every single year.

Meghan's list, which includes an end to cursing, may sound very familiar and relatable to you!

Keep scrolling to read what Meghan had to say about her New Year's resolutions, and make sure to comment if you have the same ones.

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Meghan Markle has had to make a multitude of changes to her lifestyle ever since it was announced she and Prince Harry were engaged.

From hostage training to proper etiquette, there are tons of royal rules she will need to follow.

But while she may be a royal-in-training, Meghan is just like any other person who has previously set some New Year's resolutions for herself to follow.

On her now-defunct site The Tig, Meghan wrote about her New Year's resolutions in 2016.

Apparently, she keeps the same ones every year! "These make my New Year's resolution list nearly (AKA actually every) single year," she wrote.

The Telegraph reported the personal blog post that sheds light on her relatable resolutions.

One of Meghan's resolutions was to stop swearing — something that'll probably come in handy as she begins making more royal appearances.

"The swearing comes in lulls triggered by being overworked or feeling mighty cheeky after a couple drinks," she wrote.

Meghan also vowed to stop biting her nails. "And when it comes to the biting of the nails — well, it still happens with a turbulent flight or a stressful day," she continued. "It's unladylike."

While those were her two big New Year's resolutions, Meghan also wrote that she wanted to run a marathon and hire a tutor to brush up on her French.

The royals always look put together and perfect at every single event, but Meghan admitted she may slip up with her resolutions.

"My nails will be fine, and if I toss out a four letter word once in a blue moon, well frankly I think it adds character," she said. We wonder if the Queen would agree.

Months before meeting Prince Harry, Meghan also said she wanted to leave room for magic in the new year!

"My New Year's resolution is to leave room for magic. To make my plans, and be okay if they sometimes break. To set my goals, but to be open to change," she wrote.

It seems like she completely nailed it!

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