Mom Defends Her Decision To Breastfeed Her Son Until 2: ‘Not The One With Issues’

Everyone is a backseat parent and has an opinion. This is especially true when one posts parenting moments on social media platforms such as TikTok. One mom, who goes by the user name @a_mothers_tale on TikTok, is speaking out against the hateful comments she received when posting about her journey weaning her 2-year-old son off of breastfeeding.

Emma’s original post was captioned “week 1 of weaning got us like…" It showed a video of Emma’s son pulling on her sweater trying to get some milk. He even gets his head under her shirt as Emma wraps him in a hug. Emma jokes: “First rule or wean club: NEVER sit down.”

Emma thought this video was lighthearted and relatable. She was not prepared for the backlash she would face. She speaks about the hurtful comments in a follow-up video, stating that her "jaw was literally on the floor" from "the hate I have woken up to this morning."

"Can we just start by alienating the fact that he's two?" Emma begins. "Two. Two is literally age, the minimum age that the World Health Organization recommends breastfeeding until. In fact, in some cultures they'll continue feeding until 7. That's what milk teeth are for.”

Emma firmly believes that breastfeeding her child was the right choice. "If you have issues with that video and you're sexualizing the relationship between a mother and a 2-year-old child, I'm not the one with the issues, love," she states.

To see Emma’s full response, watch this video.

@a_mothers_tale You do you mama! But its 2022 let’s educate ourselves & NORMALISE natural term breastfeeding!!! #normalisebreastfeeding #extendedbreastfeeding #naturaltermweaning #breastfeeding ♬ Drop 'Em Out - Wheeler Walker Jr.