During her recently aired stand-up special, Mo'Nique opened up about what it was like keeping her sexuality a secret. The actress revealed how it affected her to not have the confidence to share this side of herself with her family growing up, and she gets real about what it took for her to come to terms with this part of her story.
Mo'Nique shared that, growing up, she watched her grandmother MiMi have a complicated relationship with one of her kids. Mo'Nique added on that MiMi "could not come to grips that she had a gay daughter."
Seeing how their relationship was troubled by MiMi's religious beliefs, Mo'Nique never worked up the courage to reveal her sexuality to her grandmother.
"Because had I told her my secret thoughts, she would have left [this earth] thinking she had failed," Mo'Nique shared.
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"I promised that I would never tell anyone, that I would take that to my grave," Mo'Nique went on to reveal. Her stand-up comedy special, My Name Is Mo'Nique, is availble to watch on Netflix.