We've had it drilled into our heads since elementary school by our parents, teachers, and police officers: Drugs are bad. Of course, that hasn't stopped millions of people across the country from trying them out at least once. Some drugs, such as alcohol, are considered socially acceptable, while others are frowned upon in nearly all social circles. But even though we've heard of and seen the effects that recreational drug use can have on a human life, many of us aren't entirely aware of just how dangerous some of these substances can really be.
Recreational drugs can be pretty addictive, so seeing people like this recovering addict who now helps the homeless on his day off is incredibly inspiring. But because they're so harmful and easy to get hooked on, one has to wonder why people get into drugs in the first place. Whether it's due to peer pressure, needing a "release," or just plain curiosity, it's led to around 1 in 10 U.S. citizens over the age of 12 developing an addiction to drugs or alcohol.
Still, not all drugs are inherently bad, especially when used in moderation. In fact, medical marijuana has been known to cure many illnesses and even helped this little boy get his seizures under control. But there's no denying that this country and many others have a serious drug problem. Check out these dangerous drugs, and spread the word to as many people as you can to do your part in preventing one more overdose.
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12. Alcohol
We might not think anything of having a beer or a glass of wine after work, but alcohol is the cause of over 2 million deaths every year. Drunk driving, alcohol poisoning, and partaking in risky activities while under the influence all contribute to this startling number. So enjoy your time at the bar with your friends, but make sure you're making responsible choices and drinking in moderation.
11. Tobacco
Tobacco is such an addictive substance that even the fact that 6 million people are killed by it every year isn't enough to stop people from picking up a cigarette or a can of dip. Even worse, up to 600,000 of the people who are killed by tobacco on a yearly basis don't even smoke — they just succumbed to the effects of second-hand smoke from the smokers in their lives.
10. Heroin
An extremely addictive drug with serious side effects, heroin kills thousands of people every year. Because the body's tolerance for the drug builds up so quickly, many people become addicted in just one or two uses…and then, the body just demands more and more. It's really no surprise that so many people overdose on the stuff.
9. Cocaine
Cocaine can be consumed in many ways, but all of them put you at risk for heart attacks, blood clots, and more. It's a highly addictive stimulant and directly leads to the deaths of 10,000 people annually.
8. Prescription drugs
The CDC reports that 44 people die from prescription pain killer overdoses every day, and plenty more become addicted. Drugs such as morphine or Oxycontin might be originally administered during a hospital visit, but then, the patient becomes addicted to the substance and might never stop using them. In other cases, users might buy the drugs through illegal means without ever actually having a medical necessity for them.
7. LSD
Deaths directly resulting from LSD might be far lower in numbers than those caused by other drugs on this list, but the effects of the drug can cause serious short-term and long-term damage. Hallucinations, insomnia, increased heart rate, and increased blood pressure are just some of the problems that can occur after taking it…and many users say they've never completely recovered from a bad trip.
6. Ketamine
Normally used as an anesthetic in dental offices or before surgery, Ketamine is also used as a recreational drug… and, as you'd expect, can have some terrible side effects. It can cause hallucinations, changes in blood pressure, and death in cases of overdose.
5. Crystal Meth
Fans of the hit TV show Breaking Bad will immediately recognize this drug. It's highly addictive and has resulted in the deaths of millions of people. But normally, the effects of meth are apparent long before the user's heart stops beating. Psychosis, liver and kidney damage, tooth decay, malnutrition, and abscesses are just a few problems associated with regular use of crystal meth.
4. Benzodiazepines
These drugs are mainly safe and used to treat disorders such as anxiety or seizures, but when used in excess, they can actually make your symptoms worse. The result can be depression, drowsiness, and memory loss. Most of the deaths resulting from these drugs are caused by road accidents, bad falls, or suicide.
3. Bath Salts
No, these aren't the kind of bath salts you actually put in your bathwater (although we don't recommend putting those in your body either). This drug can actually be various different concoctions of synthetic chemicals, but none of them are combinations you should snort, inject, or ingest. Contrary to what many people think, bath salts were not the cause of the Miami cannibal attack that happened a few years ago, but they still can cause violent behavior, suicidal tendencies, hallucinations, heart attacks, and kidney and liver failure.
2. Devil's Breath
Also known as Scopolamine, this drug is used to ease nausea and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. However, as with many drugs, it can have devastating effects when used recreationally, including seizures, hallucinations, memory loss, and severe confusion. In fact, some criminals have been blowing it in their victims' faces, which leaves them incapable of individual thought. This has led to instances of rape, robbery, and many other criminal acts that innocent people have been forced to do without their consent or knowledge.
1. Krokodil
The reason this drug's street name shares the Russian word for "crocodile" is technically because using the drug makes your skin look like crocodile leather, but it could also be because consumption of desomorphine might make it look like your skin was eaten off. Yep, krokodil has achieved infamy over the past few years due to its pesky habit of eating away your flesh. If you have a very strong stomach, feel free to Google it, but I really, really wouldn't recommend it. The drug is basically an ultra-concentrated form of morphine, but the homemade stuff has a very high chance of killing you…and if it doesn't, you'll be lucky to escape with all your limbs intact.
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