From the time we enter preschool, we are often asked about our favorite color. Our preferred hue tends to shine through in many areas of our lives, including our clothes, home decor, and accessories. But the colors we enjoy most don't just show up in our homes and on our bodies — they also reveal very important aspects of our personalities. You might be surprised to learn what your favorite color says about you!
We've seen before that the colors that appear in our lives can say a lot about who we are on the inside. In fact, even the color of your car can reveal a lot about who you are as a person! It might seem strange at first, but it makes sense when you think about it — the world around us is alight with color, so it would really be more of a shock if the pigments around us didn't affect us in profound ways. This helpful quiz can even show you what color you should surround yourself with, and I couldn't believe how much it changed my mood when I followed its advice!
Check out these popular colors, and see what your favorite says about your personality. I was shocked to find that mine described me perfectly. Who knew that a single color could reveal so much about a person?
Make sure you SHARE this post with all your friends so they know just how significant their favorite color is!
1. Blue

Just because you're feeling "blue" doesn't mean you're sad. People who love this color tend to be very tranquil and have a need for peace and quiet in their lives. They generally prefer to stay inside reading a book or watching a movie instead of going to a loud, crowded concert. People who like blue tend to be great listeners, and they're normally the first people their friends go to when they need advice.
2. Green

Green is a color often associated with happiness, growth, and peace. After all, it's hard to feel stressed when surrounded by the color that's most often associated with nature and springtime! People who love the color green tend to be easygoing and patient and prefer to remove negative stimuli from their life. They also feel happiest when their lives are balanced. Green-lovers are most likely to be ambiverts, meaning they enjoy being alone and spending time in large social settings, so long as the two generally even themselves out.
3. Orange

Orange is a bright and exciting color, so it's no surprise that people who prefer it are more spontaneous and tend to look forward to big changes in their lives. Orange-lovers feel happiest when they're experiencing or anticipating something new, and they easily get bored with routines. They also tend to be more extroverted than people who prefer cooler colors such as green or blue.
4. Pink

If you're a lover of the color pink, you're probably emotionally intelligent and sensitive. People who choose this as their favorite color tend to be outgoing but very aware of their own feelings. They love to be around other people and let the cheery, bubbly aspects of their personality shine through.
5. Yellow

Those who love yellow tend to have extremely positive and optimistic personalities. They love making other people happy and tend to be surrounded by lots of friends. Many people who prefer yellow are also early birds who prefer to get the most out of every day, and they live their lives with high energy levels.
6. Purple

Fans of purple tend to be leaders rather than followers, and it's probably a good thing — they're able to remain calm when faced with tough situations that might make others panic. They're very goal-oriented and tend to be perfectionists, and that attitude often extends into their social lives as well. Purple-lovers usually prefer to have a very small circle of close friends rather than a large group of acquaintances.
7. Red

People who love red are go-getters in everything from the workplace to their personal lives. They don't believe in hiding their feelings, and they'll be the first to speak their minds. Their strong personalities might drive some people away, but their friends know that you'll be hard-pressed to find someone as loyal and passionate as a red-lover.
8. Brown

People who prefer brown often have a love for the outdoors. They enjoy calm environments where they can be alone with their thoughts, especially because they tend to be creative people. Those who love brown don't mind a bit of clutter, and they generally don't let small problems get to them.
9. Black

If black is your favorite color, you're probably more reserved than your more "colorful" counterparts. People who prefer black tend to be more introverted and prefer the company of a good book to being surrounded by strangers at a loud party. They are often very intelligent and goal-oriented, and while some may perceive them as being too serious, the truth is that they just give off that impression due to their tendency to get lost in their own thoughts.
10. White

People who love the color white like everything in their lives to be neat, tidy, and clean. They have an affinity for organization, and just like purple-lovers, they prefer to be in control when placed in a group setting. People who love white might take a while to warm up to strangers, but once they do, you'll find that their friendship is unwavering, and they'll go out of their way to make sure that others are happy.
Don't forget to SHARE the meanings of these colors with all your friends!