There's never a point in time where a musician can say that there is nothing more they can learn with their instrument. There is always room for improvement, and no musician, no matter who they are or how many concerts they've played, is exempt from practicing scales, arpeggios, and études. These simple exercises keep fingers in shape, turning technique into second nature, and they keep the musician on her toes.
However, practicing the same thing over and over again can get pretty mind-numbing. That's when some creative players try new things in addition to the traditional exercises.
They say you have to learn the rules before you can break them. These four talented women in the Salut Salon quartet have clearly spent tons of time perfecting the rules, but when they decide to break them and put on this incredible performance? You can truly see their capability shine through! Not only is this performance so fun to watch, it's almost unbelievable that they can pull off such shenanigans.
They play each other's instruments, play the cello two at a time, and even flip themselves upside down on the piano bench. It's hard enough to hit the notes on these songs as is, let alone totally head over heels! Yet these four ladies really know how to put on a show!
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