9 Things You Should Never, Ever Do To Your Nose

As it's right smack dab in the middle of your face, you really want to take care of your nose, if for no other reason than vanity!

But your nose plays a key role in your overall health. It's an entry point to your entire respiratory system, so if you don't take proper care of both the outside and inside of your nasal cavities, you're not doing yourself any favors at all.

Following are nine things that you should absolutely never do to your nose. For the benefit of your health and happiness, you've got to keep your nose in check!

I had no idea that there was so much to consider when it came to my nose. All these years and I've only been worried about how it looks on the outside!

Do you ever do any of these things to your nose? Will you change your ways?

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1. Stick Objects Up There

Wikimedia Commons / Lead holder

It might seem obvious, but sticking foreign objects into your body is never a good idea, as they can get lodged in there and require a trip to the emergency room. Some objects are more worrisome than others, like lead, magnets, and batteries.

Make sure you watch out for kids between the ages of 1 and 6, putting objects into their noses. An article in the Chicago Tribune mentions that some kids go for months with an object stuck up there. This could be life-threatening in some cases.

2. Pick It

Flickr / MyBiggestFan

Picking your nose, as we've established in another article, can lead to introducing bacteria into your sinus cavity. This is a big no-no. Just don't do it!

3. Leave It Vulnerable To Dryness Or Humidity

Flickr / Jim Trottier

The atmosphere's humidity has a big impact on your nasal health. If you don't have any kind of sinus infection and your nose is healthy, you'll want to keep it that way by making sure the air in your home isn't too dry. The best way to accomplish this is by having a humidifier handy.

However, if you do have a sinus infection, the humidity could actually be hurting your nose! If it's higher than 35 to 45%, then there's a greater risk for mold and fungi growing in the home and attacking your sinuses, according to Mercola.

4. Expose It To Cigarette Smoke

Wikimedia Commons / Paul 1953

As explained by Everyday Health, smoking of all types and methods is really bad for your nasal cavity, which protects the entirety of your respiratory system.

Cilia, little hair-like structures that line the nasal cavity, sinuses, and lungs, help defend against bacterial growth and airborne pathogens. When you smoke, those cilia are compromised, giving bacteria a chance to thrive.

5. Operate On It Without Weighing The Pros And Cons

Wikimedia Commons / Spekta

Plastic surgery, especially nose jobs, have become very common these days. However, that doesn't mean that they don't come with their own risks.

Make sure you do all of your research beforehand and decide if the benefits outweigh the risk, and that you go over all of the possible complications, such as infection, change in sensation in your skin, scarring, difficulty breathing, and the risk of anesthesia.

6. Forget To Clean The Inside Of It

My beautiful picture
Wikimedia Commons / Aikhan

I know, I know, we just said that sticking stuff up there was no good.

However, to keep the inside of your nose nice and clean in a healthy, safe way, you can squirt saline solution into your nose when you are feeling congested with a rubber syringe for temporary relief, according to WebMD.

7. Expose It To Allergens

Flickr / Joanna Bourne

Allergens are a main offender when it comes to irritated sinuses and nasal cavities. If you are sensitive to allergies, you may want to consider filtering your air with a purifier.

Also, make sure that you actually change the filters on those devices as well as on the heating vents in your home.

Carpets and other fibrous materials can make your home more likely to fill with allergens, so if it is a big problem for you, try to eliminate the amount of carpeting and rugs in your home, as advised by WebMD.

8. Pierce It Irresponsibly

Wikimedia Commons / Todd Huffman

It is totally safe to pierce the nostril or even the septum for most people, although there are some folks who don't react well to any piercings.

If you know that your body reacts well to piercing, make sure you do your research and find a piercer you trust and who uses totally new and sterile tools each time. Once it is pierced, make sure that you follow your piercer's instructions for proper care.

9. Let Its Pores Get Too Clogged

Wikimedia Commons / TrickedWest

Everyone excretes oil from all their pores, but that doesn't mean that you should let them get too clogged. Make sure you are cleansing daily, and don't be afraid to apply clarifying masks from time to time.

If pores get too clogged, nasty pimples and even boils can form and sometimes get infected.

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