NYPD Officer Rescues Kitten From A Scary Situation

Here at LittleThings, we’re all committed animal lovers.

We absolutely adore seeing a wild animal enjoying nature, or a happy pet surrounded by loving humans!

This is especially true if the animal in question has had a rough start in life, and maybe ended up in a scary situation in one point or another.

There’s nothing like a happy ending to help heal the pain of a scary start, as we saw with sweet pit bull puppy Mojo.

After all, animals sometimes end up in tough spots, entirely by accident, and just need a little push to make it out to the other side.

Now, it looks like NYPD has launched another fairy-tale ending, with the amazing rescue of a teeny-tiny kitten in Brooklyn’s 69th Precinct.

It’s beyond cute to the see the brave, tough officers of the NYPD putting everything they have into saving this little sweetie pie, and he certainly looks like he appreciates the help.

Check out the story below to learn more about this daring rescue!

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It all started the evening of Sunday, June 5.

That’s when worried residents of Brooklyn’s Canarsie neighborhood starting hearing the noises of a distressed kitten coming from inside a car parked on the street.

Numerous concerned neighbors called 911, unable to figure out how to get the kitty out to the car.


Officer Reiff and Sergeant Rios were able to respond to the scene immediately.

Together, the cops determined that the kitten was somewhere around the engine, a common predicament for cats seeking a cozy place to curl up.

Unfortunately, they couldn’t see the mischievous feline, so they had to get creative.


They got a jack and lifted the black Lexus up off the ground.

Officer Reiff slid underneath to get a better look at the trapped kitten.

From his new vantage point, he was able to spot the kitten, and coax him out of his dangerous hiding place and into safety.


The officers returned with the kitten to the 69th Precinct.

There, both Officer Reiff and the kitten washed up.

Both man and cat had gotten covered in axle grease in the rescue, and the kitten received what was probably his first-ever bath.


Safely back at the precinct, and mostly clean, Officer Reiff bonded with his new buddy.

He wrapped up the tiny black kitten in a sheet to dry him off and keep him warm.

The NYPD described the petite feline as “happy” to be with the officers.

Twitter/69th Precinct

Even better, another officer in the precinct took an instant shine to the rescued cutie!

This little guy went to a warm and happy forever home with his new family.

And if he ever visits the precint again, he already has a friend in Officer Reiff.

If you love this adorable story about the boys in blue rescuing one of NYC’s littlest residents, make sure to SHARE on Facebook!