$5,000,000 Due In Medical Bills After Shooting, But Hospital Erases Financial Nightmare

While the tragedy that occurred in Orlando earlier this summer can never be undone, it's always helpful to somehow find the light that can somehow come from such unforgivable darkness.

The victims of the Pulse nightclub shooting were all innocent when a lone gunman marched in and opened fire. In what is now America's biggest single mass shooting, 49 people were senselessly murdered. But along with the dead, another 53 people were wounded.

As the survivors were rushed to the hospital that terrible night the last thing on their minds was the potential medical bills and insurance coverage. As the doctors frantically worked to save countless lives, the charges were growing with each passing second.

The weeks passed, the medical bills began to pour in, and even with all the emotional support and the financial assistance of many donations and emergency funds, it became clear that for many of the victims life was about to get even harder.

But just as things seemed like they were going to get even worse for those who managed to survive, the Orlando Regional Medical Center, the hospital that treated most of the shooting victims, sent out a statement that read loud and clear: They would not be charging any of the victims.

After insurance and donations, the hospital is still looking to lose over $5 million in medical bills, but it just didn't seem right to them to send out those bills to all of those innocent victims.

While it won't undo the wounds that happened that tragic night, at the very least it will relieve a burden for those who need to focus on healing.

Please SHARE this incredible news if you think this is what being American is all about: helping your neighbors!