If you have kids, chances are probably pretty good that people who don't have kids drive you crazy on a regular basis.
That's because people who don't have kids just don't get it. They don't know how hard it is to go days without sleep, like the new mother in this video. They have no idea that just getting out the door can be more stressful than a trip to the DMV or that going for a drive all by yourself is a luxury you give up when you have kids.
Before you have kids, everyone is an expert parent. They know all the right things to do and can't help but silently judge the parents whose kids are all over the place. However, they probably wouldn't last one full day as a parent, because they just don't know…and you never truly do understand unless you have kids of your own.
Someone who does "get it"? Comedian and father Michael McIntyre, who perfectly describes what every parent really wants to tell people who don't have kids. His hilarious bit "People With No Kids Don't Know" couldn't be more accurately titled, because they're really don't. Parents have it tough, but there's no doubt about it that at the end of the day, being a parent is the best job on the planet.
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