Police Rescue And Adopt Pig Left In Dumpster By Teens

There's an old urban legend about alligators living in the sewers. The theory was that the reptiles were cute and cuddly pets as babies, but once they began to get bigger, folks would flush them down the toilet. This story from Fairfield, Ohio, is a little like that.

Two teenagers decided to get a pet pig. Who could blame them? Pigs are cute, smart, and kind creatures, but they are a little more high-maintenance than your average cat and dog.

So when the two teens were exhausted of taking care of their pig who had gotten too big (they should've opted for a mini pig), they stuck it in a dumpster, much to the dismay of Police Chief Matt Fruchey. "They had been carrying [the pig] and got tired, and since it runs any time you put it on the ground," Matt said. "They probably thought it was a fairly wise decision to give themselves a rest and put the pig into a dumpster to at least contain it."

The teens called 911 and waited for the police to arrive. Officer Cory Crouch got the poor thing out of the trash and took it to the station. Volunteers from Joseph's Legacy Animal Rescue decided to take care of the pig. Fortunately, another officer will be adopting the critter permanently. Let this be a lesson: if you're thinking of getting your very first pet, you might want to start small!

Please SHARE if you're glad this pig found a forever home!