New York Tourists Are Shocked By Pirates In Central Park

Improv Everywhere is an New York City-based group of pranksters that link up like-minded "undercover agents" to perform elaborate stunts that make our world a funnier place.

The group takes over NYC's subways every winter for the "No-pants subway ride" and have done ridiculous pranks like this flashmob at the GAP. This time, Improv Everywhere teamed up with Disney to bring pirates to one of the city's biggest tourist attractions, Central Park.

In this hilarious video, unsuspecting people get the surprise of a lifetime when pirates roll up in a boat looking for the keys to their "buried treasure". Just like in this hilarious prank that Improv Everywhere pulled off at Best Buy in Union Square, these professionals refused to break character.

Doesn't this make you want to pull off a ridiculous prank in your home town?

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