An unthinkable tragedy transpired on October 5, 2022. Two family pets attacked, killing two children and leaving the mother severely injured in the hospital. The attack occurred outside their Tennessee home.
Mother Kirstie Jane Bennard, age 30, desperately tried to save her children, 5-month-old son Hollace Dean and 2-year-old daughter Lilly Jane, from the pit bulls. In the process, she suffered multiple injuries. She was unable to save her children.
Jeff Gibson, Kirstie’s husband's uncle, spoke to USA Today about the incident. He said, “[Kirstie] put her body on top of Lilly's to try and protect her after the attack started. Both [dogs] started attacking her while she lay on Lilly."
The attack lasted 10 minutes. Horace and Lilly died at the scene. Kirstie was taken to a local hospital in critical condition. The pit bulls, named Cheech and Mia, were euthanized.
Cheech and Mia were family pets for eight years. It is unknown at this time why they attacked. Shelby County Sheriff's Office public information officer John Morris stated, "It is still an active, ongoing investigation."
Kelsey Canfield, Kirstie’s best friend, told Fox News Digital, "I can promise you those children were her world, and if there was any inkling of danger, she would have never had those dogs near her kids.” She is rightfully worried about her friend and her upcoming healing process, both physically and mentally.
Kelsey added, “Those children were everything to them, and they just have a really long journey ahead." A GoFundMe page has been established to help the family in this difficult time.
The GoFundMe says, “They are such an incredible and sweet family and needs lots of prayers and support at this time.” Its purpose is to raise “money for Colby and Kirstie to help them financially since it will be a while before they get back on their feet.”
Kelsey added, “That attack lasted longer than any one of us could have ever imagined.” It is truly an inconceivable event.
Kristie is now in stable condition but has a long healing process ahead of her. According to a Facebook post by Jeff, she has “an uncountable amount of stitches and bite marks over her entire body including her face. Both arms and legs are bandaged/wrapped up completely. As of now it looks like there isn’t any permanent damage other than a heart that will never heal.”