Officer Brandon Fraser always knew that his life journey would lead him to a career in law enforcement. His grandfather was a retired police officer and while Brandon was growing up, his grandpa would always share stories of his time spent serving his community and how much that meant to him.
It was a day like any other in Warren, Michigan. Officer Fraser was perched in one of his usual spots with his partner, scanning the roads for speeding cars.
The partners were sitting back for a moment sharing some chit-chat when their conversation was interrupted by a speeding Chevrolet Camaro. According to CBS News Detroit, Officer Fraser “initiated a traffic stop” for the vehicle only to find a distressed father in the car who told him that his 18-month-old son wasn’t breathing.
The news outlet reports that the father was frantically trying to get his sick child to a nearby hospital which was approximately three-quarters of a mile away. It’s reported that the toddler was “turning blue” and “his eyes were rolled to the back of his head.”
Officer Fraser stepped in and started to deliver some “back blows” to try to help clear the baby’s airways in hopes that he would start breathing normally again. Soon after, the baby started breathing again and the color returned to his lips.
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Officer Fraser and his partner assisted the father in getting the 18-month-old to the hospital for proper care.
To hear Officer Fraser’s advice about what to do if you have a sick child in need of emergency care, watch the full video posted by Wonderbot.