They say it's the hardest job in the world, and if you compare their portraits going in with their portraits going out, you'll see that being the president of the United States certainly causes some physical changes.
With countless sleepless nights, and world changing decisions, it's no wonder that George Washington's successor, John Adams, seemed to see a certain amount of joy mixed with relief on Washington's face as the burden of office was taken off his shoulders.
Adams wrote to his wife Abigail, "He seemed to enjoy a triumph over me. Methought I heard him think, 'Ay! I am fairly out and you are fairly in! See which of us will be the happiest!"
While many of us certainly don't envy the responsibilities of the position, it's amazing to watch how much they seem to age over a relatively short amount of time. Even with the best of health care available some of these presidents truly seem to have aged 20 years instead of eight!
Make sure to click through these presidents and let us know which one you think has the most dramatic changes.
And please SHARE these presidential portraits with your freedom-loving friends and family!
1. George Washington: 1776–1797

General Washington managed to outmaneuver the most powerful empire the world had ever known. After beating up the British he buried his sword and returned to farm life. When he was elected president, he took the position in 1789, only to willingly step down from power after only eight years. When King George III heard of this incredible ceding of power, he stated, "If he does that, he will be the greatest man in the world."
2. Abraham Lincoln: 1858–1865

Becoming president in 1861, dealing with the breakup of the Union is enough to make any man age faster than usual. Doing everything he could to stitch together our splitting Republic, Lincoln is held as one of our greatest presidents. It took an assassin's bullet to end his presidency.
3. Ulysses S. Grant: 1865–1879

This hard-drinking General of the Union rose to preeminence after defeating the brilliant generals of the Confederacy. President from 1869–1877, this man had the incredibly difficult job of attempting to stabilize the country during reconstruction.
4. Franklin D. Roosevelt: 1933–1945

Breaking with tradition, FDR served for three full terms before dying in the early months of his fourth. Combating the Great Depression along with the Nazis, this president showed us that extraordinary measures must be taken during extraordinary circumstances. With the burdens of the whole free world on his shoulders, it's no wonder he looks to have aged 40 years in such a short amount of time. It was after his death that the 22nd amendment, limiting presidential terms to two, was created.
5. Richard Nixon: 1968–1974

Nixon was on the path to be considered, at the very least, a "good" president. Ending the draft, creating the EPA, and even being the first president to visit China, this man's career was overshadowed by the infamous Watergate scandal.
6. Ronald Reagan: 1981–1988

"The Great Communicator" had a way with words. Since the early days of his presidency, he was instrumental in helping to bring the Cold War to a close. Responsibilities like that, along with an assassination attempt, are enough to make anyone age faster than normal!
7. George H. W. Bush: 1981–1993

Acting as Reagan's VP throughout the '80s, Bush had a lot to deal with when he was elected President in 1989. Dealing with the deficit and the Gulf War will make anyone wish they could just lay in bed!
8. Bill Clinton: 1993–1999

President during the economic "Golden Years" of the '90s, this president's tenure was marked with the shocking Lewinsky scandal. Possibly from the sleepless nights caused from fear of impeachment, or just too much cigar smoke, this president looked the worse for the wear when it was time for him to bow out.
9. George W. Bush: 2000–2008

President during the horrible attacks of 9/11, Bush had a lot on his mind when he decided to begin his war on terror. With so many lives in his hands, it's no wonder he looks so gray. These days he's chosen to focus on painting and seems a lot happier for it!
10. Barack Hussein Obama: 2009–Present

Our current president seems to be aging at an incredible rate. What was once black hair is now turning white, and his once youthful face is covered in deep wrinkles.
Would you ever want to be President? Let us know in the comments below!
And please SHARE these crazy before/after photos with your friends and family!