I think most people would agree with me if I said Prince Harry is pretty cute. Sure, he's taken, but that doesn't mean I can't acknowledge how good-looking I think he is.
Luckily for all of us with a soft spot for the redheaded prince, Harry has a dead-ringer look-alike — and he just so happens to be a photographer.
When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently stopped by the Invictus Games in Toronto, everyone expected him to meet up with Prince Harry, who founded the games. So when the Prime Minster stepped out of the venue with a tall redhead, people got excited and even started shouting for the Prince.
But when he turned around, onlookers quickly realized that they weren't looking at Prince Harry — instead, they were looking at his doppelgänger.
It's pretty amazing how similar they look — I think I would have been tricked, too!
Keep scrolling to meet Prince Harry's look-alike.
Thumbnail Photo: Twitter / AdamScotti // Wikimedia Commons / Staff Sgt. Andrew Lee

With his signature red hair and swoon-worthy smile, Prince Harry is an instantly recognizable figure.

But, as it turns out, the cute prince has a look-alike who just so happens to be a Canadian photographer.

Meet Adam Scotti, Prince Harry's doppelgänger and Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau's personal photographer.

Adam joins the Prime Minster on most of his trips, so it's no surprise that he was at the Toronto Invictus Games hosted by Prince Harry, alongside the Prime Minister and the Prince.

So, when Justin Trudeau left games with a tall redhead, everyone thought he was hanging out with Prince Harry.
In this video posted by an onlooker on Twitter, you can hear everyone screaming for Harry, then laughing when they realize Adam is actually the one walking past them, not the Prince. Even the Prime Minster gets in on the fun, pointing at Adam as if he were Harry.

Since the video was posted online, thousands of people have been amazed at how alike Adam and the Prince look. Luckily, the two even posed together to show their resemblance — and the photo was snapped by Justin Trudeau himself.

And, as Adam points out, he's not the only Canadian photographer with a royal look-alike. Here's Ben Nelms next to Prince William.

What do you think, could Prince Harry and Adam be long-lost twins? I'd believe it!
Please SHARE this amazing doppelgänger on Facebook!