This Giant, Cuddly Rabbit Is The Size Of A Dog — And Really Needs A Home

Bunnies come in all shapes and sizes. Some can be extra-special, and a bit more peculiar than the rest of the species out there.

They can be tiny enough to fit inside a wineglass, or grow up to be more than four feet long, with gigantic ears and floppy feet.

Some bunnies are right in between this spectrum — like Atlas, the rescue rabbit that you'll see down below.

Atlas is classified as a continental giant rabbit, is 7 months old, and is looking for a new home. His old owner unfortunately was unable to continue to look after him, so the Scottish SPCA, a wonderful animal welfare charity, took him in.

Center manager Anna O'Donnell spoke with The Telegraph to say exactly what kind of owner adorable Atlas needs in his life.

Scroll down to see photos of cute and cuddly Atlas, and let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

[H/T: The Telegraph]

YouTube/SWNS Animals

Meet Atlas, the gentle, cuddly rabbit who is looking for a new home.

His owner was unfortunately no longer able to look after him, and handed him over to the Scottish SPCA, an animal welfare charity organization.

The Telegraph/James Williamson

Atlas is a 7-month-old continental giant rabbit, according to Helena Horton of The Telegraph, who was on the scene to report on him.

Currently, the staff at the Glasgow, Scotland, center are actively looking for potential new owners to give Atlas a comfortable, loving home.


“Atlas is an inquisitive boy who makes everyone laugh with his mischievous character,” said Anna O’Donnell, manager at the center.

“He is a very friendly rabbit who loves attention and getting cuddles.”

The Telegraph/James Williamson

Atlas is already as big as a Westie (the beloved Scottish West Highland White Terrier dog breed), but will only continue to grow at a rapid rate.

Caters News

In the past, we’ve seen many giant rabbits who have grown to unconventional sizes.

Take Darius (pictured here), for example. Darius is as big as a human child, and chomps down 4,000 carrots a year.

YouTube/SWNS Animals

Even though these furry rabbits are adorable, finding and securing a forever home for them may be a tougher job than we think.

“We are looking for a specific home for Atlas due to his breed and size,” continued Anna.

“A standard rabbit hutch won’t do, so his new owner will need plenty of space for him.”

The Telegraph/James Williamson

We hope that Atlas’ new owner will have the knowledge, patience, and ability to care for him properly.

Interested parties should contact the SPCA directly, though the organization is looking to give him away to an owner living in Scotland.

Please SHARE if you think all big rabbits deserve a loving home!