The price of being a woman, just speaking in dollars and cents, is extremely high. The fact that we have to shell out a decent portion of our earnings each month for basic and necessary products is pretty absurd, if you think about it.
Depending on what kinds of products each woman chooses to use, she will spend somewhere around $12,000 on tampons, pads, or panty liners throughout her entire lifetime. This isn't even including the cost of Midol for period pain, the cost of new underwear due to staining, or the countless other things that women need during this time of the month… like chocolate.
Women's sanitary products also contain chemicals that can cause irritation or even infection, not to mention how wasteful and harmful to the environment tampons and pads are. Many of these products are not biodegradable, and will sit in a trash heap for years and years to come.
There has to be a better way, right?
Thumbnail source: Instagram
Many women have started using products like the DivaCup, but if you're more of a pad woman, then now there's something for you, too.
Hannahpads are washable, reusable, 100 percent organic cotton pads that don't contain any chemicals. They'll also last you up to three years.
For the cost of one pack of tampons, you can buy a Hannahpad that will last you so much longer.
Just wash them in cold water with their special soap, soak, and wash in the washing machine!
Think of the savings and the kindness to the environment!
Do you like this idea? Would you consider using Hannahpads?
See the video below for how easy it is to wash them, and please SHARE with your family and friends on Facebook.