Woman’s Right Eye Starts Leaking Purple Ink And Now She’s Warning Against Getting Sclera Tattoos

Nowadays, the body you are born with can be modified, twisted, and made unrecognizable with a few simple procedures. To some, the body is not meant to be altered. But to others, it's a blank canvas on which to showcase the piece of art a person truly is.

Catt Gallinger could perhaps be considered a body modification enthusiast. She has tattoos all over her skin and likes to continue adding to her body art collection.

But her most recent attempt was not as successful as she had hoped.

She got a sclera tattoo and decided to color the white of her right eye purple.

But the procedure went awry. Days later, it caused her eye to leak purple ink.

Now, doctors are telling her that she may lose vision in that eye. The model is urging others who are thinking about getting a sclera tattoo to do their research about the procedure.

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Facebook / Catt Gallinger

Catt Gallinger is a model and body modification enthusiast. She loves her tattoos and looks to add to her extensive collection.

Facebook / Catt Gallinger

She recently decided to get a sclera tattoo, which went horribly wrong. Days after she'd tattooed her right eye purple, the ink started leaking out.

Facebook / Catt Gallinger

She wrote on Facebook:

For everyone inquiring about my eye.
so this was done by Eric Brown three weeks ago. As it stands I will have to see a specialist and am at risk of being blind if it doesn’t get corrected.

Facebook / Catt Gallinger

This was caused by undiluted ink, over injection, not enough/smaller injections sights. There are multiple people who can attest that my aftercare was good and any other part of what I am saying.

Facebook / Catt Gallinger

I am NOT sharing this with you to cause trouble, I am sharing this to warn you to research who you get your procedures by as well as how the procedure should be properly done.

I have been to the hospital three times, I had no furry pets to cause any dander, and I wash my hands every time I do anything with my eye, both before and afterwards.

Facebook / Catt Gallinger

I was on antibiotic drops for the first week and a half and have been on steroid drops for four days now, with little success at bringing down the internal swelling. The external swelling lasted for almost a week.

Facebook / Catt Gallinger

The photos show the day of (purple drop), the day after(swollen shut) and now three weeks later. I will add more throughout the process.

Facebook / Catt Gallinger

Just please be cautious who you get your mods from and do your research. I don’t want this to happen to anyone else.

Please SHARE to warn any tattoo enthusiasts of this potentially dangerous trend!