Traveling is one of the greatest things you can do for yourself. It's always an incredible experience to discover new places and leave them as a changed person. But even the greatest explorers can be sent away (or even shot at) if they take a few steps too far in the wrong direction… and as it turns out, there are plenty of ultra secretive places that most of us will never be allowed to see no matter how hard we try.
Going to exotic or hidden places (and taking a selfie at each one like this guy did) is something we all dream about, but whether they're just super hard to access or have exclusive entrance requirements, some places will just have to be crossed off our bucket lists before we ever get to them. Most of them are high security government buildings, but there are even a few islands and caves that are off-limits to everyone but a very select few people. And maybe I'm crazy, but that just makes me want to see them even more!
Each of these fifteen locations has very strict limitations on who can get in, and it's very likely that most of us will never have the honor of being one of the special visitors. I'm hoping that #2 eventually opens up to the public, but which one would you most like to see? These places have really piqued my curiosity!
If you have friends who love to travel, SHARE this list with them so they can see what they're missing!
1. The Vatican Secret Archives

What's inside the Vatican Secret Archives is no secret at all. Documents up to 2,000 years old are stored inside, including Henry VIII's petitions to divorce Catherine of Aragon, but all of them older then 75 years old are available to any accredited researcher who asks for them. It's the room itself — which is said to hold up to 52 miles of shelves — that is harder to see. To apply for an entry card, you have to be a scholar from a university who is doing specific scientific research with knowledge of how to research archives. You also need a letter by someone qualified in historical research, and you can't be an undergraduate. Is it a completely off-limits location? No. But you're going to have to go through a heck of a lot to get in.
2. Poveglia

This tiny island in northern Italy was once used as a quarantine zone and crematory for those afflicted with the Bubonic Plague in 1348 and later the Black Death in 1630. It was converted into a mental hospital in the early-to-mid 1900s, and even after it closed down in 1968, people reported hauntings of those who suffered from the plague and the insane doctors that "treated" their patients. Nowadays, neither tourists nor locals are permitted on the island, though the Italian government has made exceptions for a select few ghost hunting crews.
3. Lascaux Cave

The paintings found in these French caverns are up to 20,000 years old, but the cave wasn't open to the public until 1948. Unfortunately, letting visitors into the cave proved to be a huge mistake — the carbon dioxide exhaled by all the people who came in visibly damaged the paintings, and today, nobody except for a select few scientists can enter.
4. Area 51

This Nevada military base's purpose is supposedly to test new weapons and aircraft, but it's so heavily guarded that it's long been the subject of multiple conspiracy theories involving aliens and UFOs. But if you go to see for yourself, be prepared to risk your life doing it — the government says that deadly force will be used against anyone who enters the premises.
5. Club 33

Named for its location at 33 Royal Street in Disneyland, Club 33 is the only place at the park that serves alcohol. But to get in, you're going to have to be a pretty big deal. It was designed by Disney in 1967 as an exclusive place for people like celebrities who have money to spend on a $25,000 initiation fee and a $10,000 annual membership fee. But even if you have the money to blow, you'll still have to sit at the bottom of the club's 14-year waiting list to enter the same exclusive club that Tom Hanks and Christina Aguilera belong to.
6. Svalbard Global Seed Vault

What happens if we have an apocalypse that destroys life on Earth as we know it? Well, the remaining survivors will have the Svalbard Global Seed Vault to help start life anew. Countries from all over the world have donated a total of 10,000 seed samples from 2,000 groups of plants to this everything-proof structure in Norway, but only a very select group of people are allowed inside.
7. RAF Menwith Hill

Located in England, this odd field of bubble-like structures is the largest electronic monitoring station on the planet. It has a satellite network large enough to intercept signals all over the world, and although its official purpose is to detect missile attacks, there are plenty of theories as to what might really be going on there. Many suspect that it monitors communication by civilians all over the world, but since unauthorized access is strictly prohibited, we may never know for sure.
8. Room 39

Most of us will probably never travel to North Korea anyway, but none of us will ever enter Room 39. This organization exists to get foreign currency to Kim Jong-un, and there are plenty of rumors as to what goes on inside. It's confirmed to have numerous bank accounts in other countries for the purpose of counterfeiting and money-laundering, but some also believe that it's involved in illegal weapons and drug trade.
9. The Coca-Cola Vault

Only a handful of people know the secret Coca-Cola recipe, and according to legend, they're not allowed to travel together just in case an accident caused the formula to be lost forever. But should the worst happen, the recipe is still safe; it's written down and stored in a vault that until recently was held in the Sun Trust Bank. It's since been moved to the World of Coca-Cola exhibit, but no one — and I mean no one — is allowed to open it. The public is kept a few feet away from even touching the vault thanks to a barrier put in place to keep the secret formula extra safe.
10. White's Gentlemen's Club

London's oldest and most exclusive gentlemen's club has a current membership list that includes Prince William and Prince Charles, but if you want to get in, you're going to have to be a pretty big deal. Becoming a member requires an invitation from a current member, which then has to be supported by two other current members. But if you manage to get on the roster, you'll have access to some bizarre betting games, the most famous of which involved a 3,000-pound wager to see which raindrop would slide to the bottom of the window first.
11. The Ise Grand Shrine

This Japanese shrine was constructed in honor of Amaterasu-ōmikami, the sun goddess. It's demolished and rebuilt every twenty years to celebrate the concept of rebirth (the last reconstruction occurring in 2013), but unless you're a very special construction worker, you're probably not going to see more than the roof of this exclusive building. The only person allowed inside is the priest or priestess, who must be part of the imperial family of Japan.
12. The White House Situation Room

A visit to the White House will allow you to see many of the rooms in the president's home, but unless you're a special government official, an advisor, or a military officer, you're not getting into the Situation Room. This room is maintained under strict security, and even official White House photographers are only allowed to snap shots from certain angles. Once the photos are taken, they're carefully analyzed to make sure that there aren't any reflections (such as the ones you see in eyeglasses) that could give away classified information.
13. Mount Weather

This is definitely one of those places you hope you'll never have to enter. Mount Weather is designed to survive any kind of doomsday situation imaginable, but it's likely that only a bunch of very important people would be allowed to enter it in the case of a disaster. A former engineer for the facility has said that there are air circulation pumps and a TV/radio station so there can be post-apocalyptic news updates. The building even has its own fire and police departments, since regular officials are denied access to it.
14. Metro-2

The main reason you'll never get into Moscow's Metro-2 is because no one is 100-percent sure it even exists. It was allegedly constructed under the reign of Joseph Stalin and parallels the public metro. But since Russia refuses to say if this secretive transportation system actually exists, the only information we have to go off is the word of a few people who claim to have helped build the metro, a few more people who claim to have rediscovered it, and a couple of photos that appear to show an eerie, almost post-apocalyptic-looking underground metro.
15. North Sentinel Island

Technically, you can visit this 28-square-mile island in the Bay of Bengal, but you probably won't leave it alive. It's inhabited by up to 400 indigenous Sentinelese, who up until 1991 have strongly resisted contact with the outside world. One film director was welcomed to the island with an arrow to the thigh. In the mid-1990s, the Indian government stopped trying to make contact with the tribes, since they clearly wanted nothing to do with foreigners.
16. Mezhgorye, Russia

There are about 17,000 people living in this town, but you're not likely to ever be one of them. Access is heavily restricted, and two battalions guard a secret nuclear missile base. The base itself is equipped with sensors that automatically trigger ballistic missiles if nuclear activity is detected.
Don't forget to SHARE these secretive places with everyone you know!