She Soaked A Sponge In Fabric Softener…Amazing Trick Will Save You Hundreds Of Dollars!

Not everyone is the biggest fan of doing laundry. Some people go downright crazy when it comes to folding things, or when they find out that their favorite shirt as just been put in the dryer accidentally (luckily, there's a way to fix that!). Me, I don't necessarily mind it. I actually find it a calming experience. But the one thing that gets me? All the money I spend on laundry incidentals.

Detergent, bleach, fabric softener, dryer sheets, it all adds up. But what if there was a way to almost never have to spend money on one of those things again?

In this great little video, one woman explains her method for making homemade dryer sheets using diluted fabric softener and a sponge. According to her, this method saves hundreds of dollars, since she only has to buy fabric softener a few times a year!

I love this, and can't wait to try!

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