He Saves The Tabs From His Soda Cans. The Reason? Genius!

No matter how big and spacious your house is, a little extra closet space never hurts. Closets are one of the first things prospective buyers look at when checking out a potential house. It's simple: People need places to put all their clothes, and closets serve that purpose perfectly.

So how can you maximize the closet space you do have, while also eking out a few extra inches for coats, shirts, and other clothes? It looks like YouTuber Jay Rule has a very simple trick to help you out.

In his video, Rule shows you how to use the pull tabs on the top of your used soda cans to save some space in your closets.

The trick is really simple. When you're finished with your can of soda, twist the tab back and forth a few times until it pops off. If you have a bunch of them, bring them all with you into the closet.

Next, grab your hanger and put the hook through one of the holes in the soda can tab. Now just hang your first coat on the hanger like normal and hang another coat on another hanger like normal as well.

Finally, take that second hanger and slide it through the last available hole in the soda can tab. There you have it. Now you've stacked two coats on what is essentially one space in the closet.

It's a simple tip, but one that should help you maximize the space in your closet, no matter how large they already are. Will you try it?

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